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Changes in deadline for Teaching Staff Applications on the frame of Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility for Learners and Staff at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Due to some problems into the online application tool and difficulties of some applicants to receive the invitation letter from USC professors the application period for Teaching Staff was extended until 10th January 2020.

The selection criteria for teaching staff:

  1. CV;
  2. Language Certificate;
  3. Motivation Letter;
  4. Mobility Agreement for Teaching;
  5. Proof of registration in the Home University;
  6. Invitation Letter issued by the relevant faculty at University of Santiago de Compostela

To receive an Invitation Letter staff should present a one-week Mobility Agreement for Teaching to a Professor from University of Santiago de Compostelain the same academic field and obtain her/his written acceptance. The proposed mobility dates should be at least 2 months’ later.Get a contact at University of Santiago de Compostela (professors and researchers): http://imaisd.usc.es/buscadorinvestigadores.asp?i=en&s=-126-191-234.

For teaching staff candidates, the only way to apply for this scholarship is through the online application tool of University of Santiago de Compostela up to January 10, 2020:  http://www.usc.es/ka107/admin/

Staff must register and edit their application through this online application tool. The Mobility Agreement must be signed by University Coordinator from TNMU prior to uploading it to the online application tool.

More information at:
