TNMU Professor Participated in the “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Space” Event

On May 17, 2024, the “Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine” together with the National Research Fund of Ukraine and the National Erasmus Office in Ukraine, as part of the Science Day celebration, organized an informational event “Integration of Ukraine into the global research space” in Kyiv in a hybrid format to popularize science and innovation.

The event was attended by representatives of the European Commission, relevant ministries of Ukraine, the Council of the President of Ukraine, the Education, Science and Sports Support Fund, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, national and foreign national academies of sciences, scientific institutions, program committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Horizon Europe program, of the “Horizon Europe” office in Ukraine, and many others. Professor Oksana Shevchuk represented the Scientific Committee of Ukraine and Ternopil National Medical University.

The first block of the meeting was devoted to greetings and outlining the ways of integrating domestic science and innovation into the European and global research space, especially in the conditions of an ongoing full-scale war.

In the second block, extremely urgent and important issues of science and research in Ukraine were raised.

The third block was informative with the participation of Silvia Bozhinova, head of the European Commission for Research and Innovation, and Carolina Canibano from the EU office at the Spanish National Research Council (Opportunities for Ukrainian scientific projects within the European Union Research and Innovation Program “Horizon Europe”), Franklin Carrero-Martinez, Executive Director for Global Sustainability and Development of the US National Academy of Sciences (on the Multilateral Partnership to Ensure the Sustainability of the Education and Science System in Ukraine, IMPRESS-U), Jörg Schneider from the German Research Foundation (DFG), Ronald de Bruyn, Director COST Association, Hans de JONGE, Director of Open Science NL from the Netherlands Research Council (NWO), Marie Sundli Tveit, President of Science Europe and Executive Director of the Research Council of Norway (RCN).

The last block of the program was dedicated to the synergy of European programs – COST Association, EU4Health Program in Ukraine and EIT Community RIS Hub in Ukraine. They also discussed grant opportunities for business within the Framework Program “Horizon Europe”.

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