Target group:
Coordinator and General Manager: Medical University of Pomerania in Szczecin, Poland, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs – Professor Jerzy Samochowiec, PhD, MhD
Project goals and objectives:
Areas of activity under the project:
Initial actions will include participation in integration meetings aimed at preparing the ground for the start of cooperation between consortium members by creating a strong, supportive, engaged team, discussing practical aspects of cooperation, establishing a common vision for the implementation of the 2nd and 3rd work packages, and ensuring that individual actions are consistent and compatible.
The result will be a comprehensive guide for modern, engaging cultural education based on awareness, compassion, sensitivity and competence. As a result of the activity, the paper version of the manual will be distributed to medical universities in 6 European countries, thus raising awareness of the possibility of using the electronic version of the manual (e-book) and the audiobook.
Development of an educational platform (also available in mobile form) containing sets of exercises for active multicultural education in group and individual forms, divided into 5 parts corresponding to the chapters of the textbook.
Development of a mobile application as a guide for teachers of multicultural education, which allows them to implement modern teaching methods, including tips, topics for discussion and additional questions.
Creating a “Human Library” – interviews with representatives of stigmatised or discriminated groups, including personal experiences with healthcare professionals, as well as expectations and ideas for solutions.
MultiCultiMed study (Two cycles of research will be conducted. The main objective of the first cycle will be to diagnose the situation with cultural competences among medical and healthcare students across Europe. The main objective of the second cycle will be to diagnose the emotional and psychological functioning of a group of people who were forced to change their place of residence due to the ongoing military operations in their country of origin across Europe)
Expected results of the project:
Ternopil Gorbachevsky National Medical University, Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Olga Fedortsiv, MD, PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Paediatric Diseases and Paediatric Surgery
tel: +38 0352 527854; +38 067 7476719;
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