Перейти до вмісту
  1. Prospective candidates who wish to study at Ternopil National Medical University should initially submit the following documents in digital form for the initial screening process to the Deans office of International Students Faculty – deans_office@tdmu.edu.ua :
  • scan copy of international passport;
  • scan copy of the certificate of secondary/high school education with a transcript;
  • consent to the processing of personal data; 
  • preparatory course certificate (if available);
  • results of external independent testing (if available).
  1. After receiving the package of the above mentioned documents, prospective documents will receive detailed instructions. Please follow these instructions and an official letter of invitation to study at TNMU will be sent to your address.

Payment of visa information support of the provided invitation letter to the subsidiary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the 2023/2024 academic year is 648 UAH.

The invitation letter must be submitted to the Embassy of Ukraine in your country to obtain a student visa.

Before the entrance exams are administered, even in remote mode, the educational documents must be properly prepared for international recognition – by apostille stamp (if your country joined Apostille convention) or attestation/legalization at the Ukrainian embassy in your country, also your passport must be translated into Ukrainian language.

  1. You must inform the Dean’s Office of International Students Faculty of TNMU (deans_office@tdmu.edu.ua) about the form of the entrance exam you have chosen: either in person or remotely, using computer technologies. You will then be notified of the procedure for taking the relevant entrance exams, which will be held as multiple choice questions (MCQ) tests.


  1. Before leaving the country of residence, please inform the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of International Students of the TNMU about the exact date of arrival in Ukraine and the entry point. After direct air flights are resumed, flight number, dates and times of arrival, will be needed as well.

Currently, entry into Ukraine is carried out through a transit third country. We will provide an official letter for a a transit/tourist third country visa opening, if needed.

  1. Upon arrival to the Ternopil National Medical University, the necessary documents must be submitted to the Dean’s office of International Students.

List of documents (submitted to the Dean’s office of International Students faculty, in person):

  • passport with a valid student visa, plus its notarized Ukrainian translation;
  • a certificate of complete secondary education with a transcript (original and copy) with an apostille/legalization and a notarized translation into Ukrainian;
  • birth certificate (original and copy) with a translation into Ukrainian;
  • health certificate, general fitness certificate (which is valid for admission for two months from the date of issue) with a translation into Ukrainian;
  • a certificate of a negative HIV test result (valid for two months from the date of its issue) with a translation into Ukrainian;
  • 12 photos passport size 3.5 by 4.5 cm.

Applicants who apply for remote admission must send high-quality scanned copies of documents to the e-mail address of the Dean’s office of International Students Faculty of TNMU:

  1. The first page of the international passport and its translation into Ukrainian;
  2. Secondary education/high school graduation documents with proper stamps (apostille, legalization, etc.) for international recognition;
  3. Scan of a passport photo.

For high school graduates:

The specialties “Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” – the entrance MCQ exams will be in biology and the language of instruction (English/Ukrainian).

For applicants, who already possess college/university degrees:

Specialty “Public Health” – entrance exams will be in Public Health and the language of instruction (English/Ukrainian).

Specialty “Nursing”, part-time form of study – Bachelor’s Degree – a professional exam (Nursing Skills Laboratory) and English language

Specialty “Nursing”, correspondence form of study – Master’s Degree – entrance exams in clinical nursing (Clinical Nursing) and English language

Programs for Admission Exam 

Test Examples

Ways to apply to the University

Applicants wishing to enter the University have two options:
1) to apply directly – Contact us here
2) to use the services of the agent. See below the list of our representatives. 


Global Professional Consulting, Inc



Dr. Bohdan Boychuk
tel.: +1416303-2863

“SARNIDAN Zhukovska Bohdanna” 



Ukrainian-Chinese Trading Association


Kunshan Diniebo Network Technology Co., Ltd
Zhang Hao
Phone: +8618260123865
E-mail: 1963206828@qq.com
Adress: No.43 work Station, Room 404, Science and Technology Plaza Building,
Qianjin East Road, Kunshan Development Zone, City Suzhou, China

PC “Skynet.IF”
Popadynets Oleksandr
Private enterprise “ Skynet.IF”
Snizhna St., 15-V, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 76018, Ukraine
Tel: +380677277629
E-mail: olga_skynet@yahoo.com


Kindrat Oleh
Private enterprise Cvitana
Zamkova St. 14, Ternopil city, 46001, Ukraine
Tel: +380986205057, +380673929599
E-mail: olegsaturn@gmail.com


Naguib, CEO. Ukraine, Ternopil,46000, Krushelnytska street 18, office No 907A. +380930620558, +380634882555, +380980333858

Charitable Organization “Charity Fund “Study in Ukraine by Dr. Ghosh”

Dr. Ghosh Prithwiraj, Director
e-mail: gprithwiraj@gmail.com
tel. +380501484340,

Dear prospective transfer student from other University!

We are glad you chose Ternopil National Medical University, which is a state-owned institution with over half-a-century teaching experience in health care specialties, as a place to continue your medical education in Ukraine.

Currently, our international students have a choice to study either fully online or offline during martial law. Academic groups are solidly set and include ten to fourteen students, and classes are carried out in Microsoft Teams software, which must be downloaded to the computer or cell phone. Every student gets his/her own corporate email with @tdmu.edu.ua extension. Educational materials for classes are available in the moodle system, and classes schedule and marks – in asu system, both of which are accessible from our University website.

First to third year students have daily practical classes, one hour twenty minutes long each, with breaks (several classes a day); fourth to sixth year students – a single day-long practical class from 9AM till 3PM, Ukrainian time. One day per week is dedicated to lectures.

As for school fees, it will be written in your signed agreement with the University, which lasts till the end of the studies.

All communication, AFTER one-semester school fees payment and official admission, you will carry with your inspector and Vice Dean of your academic year, emails of which will be provided after admission.

In addition to regular school fee payment, there will be academic difference fee, which will be calculated after comparing our University academic program and subjects from your transcript from previous University. It can be roughly estimated before admission, but must be paid only after regular school fees payment and official admission. These academic difference classes must be reworked in due time after regular classes, after 3PM.


To proceed further, please answer carefully to EACH question and send answers to the deans_office@tdmu.edu.ua –

  1. Where are you currently located – Ukraine or abroad, and where exactly?
  2. Are you currently a student at your previous University? If yes, and you are currently abroad, we recommend to terminate your studies and request official academic transcript.
  3. Do you have hard copy of your official academic transcript in your hands from previous University? (see example, Ukrainian official transcript). Or a digital copy? Please send us scan-copy.
  4. Also, which year and semester, which program (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharamcy) you plan to join?
  5. Please send us scan copy of your international passport.
  6. Have you taken Krok-1 exam, Krok-2 exam? If yes, do you have proof, and send to us what you have.
  7. Do you have original of your high school diploma and transcript, in hands or digital copy? Are those docs properly legalized, or with apostille, notarized and translated? Please send us scan copies of what you have.
  8. Do you have those high school documents nostrified by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, which could have been done by your previous University? Maybe, you have proof of this nostrification? Please send. (if not, we can do this nostrification, but we need originals with apostille, translated and notarized)
  9. Please fill out permission to process personal data file and send scanned copy to us.
  10. Would you be able to somehow arrange sending of high school docs and original official academic transcript to our University? You will need to do it after one semester of studying.

If you plan at some point to come for offline education, please let us know, we will arrange invitation letter to be presented at the Ukrainian embassy abroad for Ukrainian student visa.

AFTER ANSWERING ALL THESE QUESTIONS, one-by-one, and only after our approval, we will send you University account to pay one-semester school fees, paperwork for admission, and then you can officially start classes.


Ukrainian State Center for International Education State Enterprise at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

In accordance with the Procedure for issuing invitations to foreigners and stateless persons for studies (internship) in Ukraine and their registration as approved by Order N 1541 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 1 November 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 25 November 2013 under N 2004/24536, and to secure the guarantees of the MES of Ukraine as to the authenticity of issued invitations to enter Ukraine for educational purposes, all invitations for studies issued by educational institutions to foreigners are subject to registration with the electronic system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Personal data of prospective foreign students used during the registration of invitations as incorporated in the statutory form of the Invitation for Studies will be used solely for the purpose of entering to the account database of invitations and, as may be required, providing visa support to foreigners invited to study in Ukraine.



to personal data collection and processing

I, __________________________________________________________,

do hereby give my consent to the Ukrainian State Center for International Education State Enterprise, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, acting pursuant to the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection, for collecting and processing my personal data in account files (databases), including electronic ones, which the Enterprise is authorized to maintain by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the statutory goals and objectives of the Enterprise and for possible transfer them to the diplomatic missions of Ukraine abroad and to the diplomatic missions of other states accredited in Ukraine, according to my nationality, and other third parties in case of a request according to Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.

The following personal data may be processed:

– passport data: full name, the date of birth, series, number and the date of issuance of the passport, and the nationality;

– country of residence;

– gender;

– a document (documents) confirming education.

____ ___________ 20__, ___________________ (_____________________)

                                                                                   (signature)                                      (Full name)

Information regarding tuition fees in USD (not including other minor obligatory expenses or hostel fee) as set up in 2024/2025 academic year and included in the agreement between the University and applicant, admitted during this period.

General Medicine (MD – Medical Doctor Degree, equivalent to MBBS) 

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)

Period of training: 6 years
Annual tuition fee:
• instruction in Ukrainian – 3000$ (for the 1st year of study)
• instruction in English – 3500$ (for the 1st year of study)

Internship – General Medicine 

Admission deadlines: September 1

Period of training: 1 year
Annual tuition fee:
• instruction in English – 3500$ (for the 1st year of study)


Public Health (Master Degree)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Period of training: 2 years
Annual tuition fee:
• instruction in English – 2000$ (for the 1st year of study)
• instruction in English (extramural course) – 1500$ (for the 1st year of study)

Dentistry (equivalent to Doctor of Dental Medicine, DMD)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
• instruction in Ukrainian – 3300$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)
• instruction in English – 3500$ (for the 1st year of study)

Pharmacy (equivalent to Master Degree in Pharmacy)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
• instruction in Ukrainian – 2500$ (for the 1st year of study)
• instruction in English – 2800$ (for the 1st year of study)

Nursing (BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing; MSN – Master of Science in Nursing) 

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Period of training: 
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program: 4 years
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program (for students already having ADN 2 years degree): 2 years
MSN – Master Degree Program (for students already having BSN 4 years degree): 2 years
Annual tuition fee:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
• instruction in English – 2800$ (fee is stable for all years) 
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
• instruction in English – 2800$ (fee is stable for all years)

Nursing (extramural (distance))

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Period of training:
• BSN – Bachelor RN to BSN degree program: 2 years
• MSN – Master Degree Program (for BSN students): 2 years

Bank Account Details

  1. Payable from abroad, in USD

Company details:
IBAN Code: UA543052990000025309043300440

Correspondent banks:

(1) Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33
Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA

(2) Account in the correspondent bank: 890-0085-754
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA

(3) Account in the correspondent bank: 36445343
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CITI US 33
Correspondent bank: N. A., New York, USA


  1. Payable from abroad, in EUR

Company details:
IBAN Code: UA033052990000025306003300115

Correspondent banks:

(1)Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF
Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

(2) Account in the correspondent bank: 6231605145
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASDEF

  1. Payable while in Ukraine, in UAH (hryvnia), according to the National Exchange Bank rate

   – tuition fee

   – hostel fee (can be paid only while in Ukraine or from Ukrainian bank account)