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“How to” for the first year students

Getting into new environment can be stressful. Here are some information and tips on how to get through the first year painlessly

  1. Classes start straight at 9:00, Ukrainian time, in either MS Teams (online) or offline. You will be assigned to a group of students, and schedule of the daily classes for the group will be in the ASU system. Don’t be late for the classes, as teacher can put “absence” mark.
  2. All “absences” must be reworked before semester examination session start. Any absence in any class will deny you entrance into examination session, and for you it will be held at a later time.
  3. If you were admitted late to the University (after semester start), you will need to rework all missed classes from the beginning of the semester, otherwise, you cannot enter semester examinations.
  4. Sometimes Dean’s office can schedule additional timeline for those students who were admitted late, and you will be informed about that.
  5. To rework any class, you will need permission from the Deans office. An application should be written to the Dean, dated and signed by student, and shown to your vice-Dean, either in person or by email (see section of “applications” on this website). After shown to the vice-Dean in person, you should show it to your inspector to register this application, and the signed and registered application will be returned to you. In case of emailing, the signed application will be emailed to you back.
  6. Reworks of absences (missed classes) can be either with payment or without payment. The classes, which are reworked with payment, are those of medical and biological field (see attached list). All others are without payment.
  7. In case of serious objective reasons, such as illness, family losses, late admission to the University etc., missed classes which are supposed to be reworked with payment, can be reworked without payment, with permission of the vice dean. The proof for the rework without payment must be presented along with application to rework without payment (such as Doctor’s excuse stating illness and its duration).
  8. If classes are missed less than two weeks ago, and they are reworks with payment, they can be reworked without application and permission. Just present receipts of payment to the teacher.
  9. The cost to rework one missed class (two academic hours) is 230UAH. The payment must be done for EACH subject separately, in the field “purpose of payment” in the bank receipt must be noted “to rework missed classes in (biology, anatomy, histology, etc), and number of classes. One receipt – one subject. NO EXCEPTIONS. Name of subject MUST be included in the receipt. The bank account details of the University are mentioned in the appropriate section of our website.
  10. The reworks of the missed classes are done in the period AFTER REGULAR classes, you must sign up with a specific teacher from the subject to set up a date to rework missed classes. Before rework, you must present to the teacher signed application and permission to rework, as well as receipts of payment, if this rework is with payment.
  11. You can email your vice dean regarding applications to rework missed classes – Dr. Alina Volska (Medicine program, or Dr. Oksana Lebid (Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, If you need studentship letter, they will give you email of your inspector, so inspector can provide necessary studentship letter.
  12. Your inspector should also provide to you – access to the university email account (login and password), access to ASU for schedule of class (login and password), access to moodle system (for list of class topics, materials for preparation for each class, laboratory procedures for each class).
  13. Please check your email frequently. This is the official mode of your communication with the Deans office of international students.
  14. Official hours of the Deans office to accept students are after 15:00 until 18:00. Please wait at least 24 hours for email response.
  15. All missed class must be reworked before start of examination session. So please, if you have missed classes, please rework them EARLY in the semester. After all regular classes are over, and examination session start, the next day after the end of classes, A SPECIAL PERMISSION from the Deans office is needed with deadlines to complete reworks, and regular signed and registered applications to rework will no longer work. If student misses deadlines for reworks in special permission for the Deans office, the University has the right to expel student for lack of academic performance and non-fulfillment of educational plan.
  16. No matter if you are currently in Ternopil, or learning from across our country or even from abroad, we are here with you for every step of your journey jitowards your bright career.

Follow these steps to make proper arrangements for your practice
1. Check one of the following links to see your practice subjects, schedule, and teachers in charge (General MedicineDentistryPharmacy; Additional info: Dentistry)
2. Decide where you are going to have your practice. If you want to practice outside Ukraine, find appropriate place for your practice (hospital/clinic, dental clinic/hospital, pharmacy). Also, your group leader must submit to the Dean’s Office a list with names and practice locations to let us reserve a place for you in Ternopil, or to notify us about your practice elsewhere.
3. Get a practice journal (available from bookstall, Dean’s Office building) or you can print a journal from the Practice Department website
4. If you are planning on having you practical training outside Ternopil, you must meet the teacher in charge of each practice to ask about detailed instructions/ recommendations for your practice, and to get the teacher’s consent in the form of his/her signature on your application (see application sample).  Usually, practice is scheduled after you finish the respective subject/course, so you may ask the teacher for instructions while taking that course. You must be certain to secure a place for your practice in the EXACT subjects and hours required; otherwise, you’ll have to pay to rework your practice during next semester. It is possible to have some cycles in Ternopil and some elsewhere, as long as you fully complete a cycle at one place. Please ask the Practice Office for more info
5. During your practice, follow the instructions the teachers gave you, and fill out the practice journal
6. In case of practical training outside Ternopil, bring back your practice journal filled out, sealed and signed by the appointed supervisor, and an official document (with official letterhead, signature and stamp) to prove that you completed the required number of days/hours allocated for the required subjects (see these links above for requirements).
7. After practical training outside Ternopil, bring your practice journal and the official proof to the teacher in charge of each practice to defend the practice with the teacher
8. Take the Practice exam according to the schedule.
Practice Office is located in the Dean’s Office building, same floor as the Dean’s Officeopposite wing, 2nd door on the right

Schedule of exam 2023-2024

All exams start at 9 a.m. If exams start time is different, you will be informed additionally.
In order to be allowed to take an exam and/or a graded credit, a student must clear all the subjects (have positive average grades and no missed classes)

Exams (test exams) are made up of 2 parts: 1) written test at the Testing Center and 2) interview with professor at the respective department. You will have one separate day for each exam. The final grade for an exam will be a combination of your scores for the written test and the interview. To pass an exam, you must get good scores for both the written test and the interview. To get a good score for the written test, you must provide correct answers to more than half of the questions (50% + 1 question) for each subject. Along with regular MCQs, each test will contain situations, and Krok questions (8 situations and 4 Krok questions out of the total of 48 test questions), if applicable.
If a student fails an exam once, the student will retake only that part of the exam for which he/she received a negative grade.
If a student fails an exam a second time, the third attempt will take place in the Dean’s Office in the presence of a comission consisting of the Professor, the Dean and the Head of Department.

Graded Credit (differentiated test) is a credit for which one gets a grade (not just a pass). It includes only written test at the Testing Center for all the subjects that require a graded credit and is taken the same day. To get a good score for the test, you must provide correct answers to more than half of the questions (50% + 1 question) for each subject. Along with regular MCQs, each test will contain situations, and Krok questions (8 situations and 4 Krok questions out of the total of 48 test questions), if applicable.


1. While filling in the back of your answer sheet (student’s personal info), please fill in every line regardless of whether or not you use every page.

2. Please make sure the number of your booklet corresponds to the number of your work.

3. In case of technical error in MCQs (e.g. two identical answers), do not fill in the box but inform the examination commission.

4. Use of corrector (correcting fluid), eraser is forbidden. Only use the pen provided by the commission.

5. Use of additional sources of information (cheating, electronic devices) and any discussions are forbidden. If a mobile phone (even a switched off one) or any other electronic device (headphones, microphone, etc.) is discovered, the commission may cancel the whole test.

6. It is strictly forbidden to take your booklets out of the testing hall, to change variants, and to change places.

See Questions Database with MCQs for the written tests.

International Student’s Faculty 

Department of Surgery No.2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology No.2
Department of Pediatrics No.2
Department of Internal Medicine No.2
Department of Higher Nursing Education, Patient Care and Clinical Immunology
Preparation Department of the International Student’s Faculty

Faculty of Medicine

Institute of Morphology

Department of Human Anatomy
Department of Pathologic Anatomy, Autopsy Course and Forensic Pathology
Department of Histology and Embryology
Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy
Department of Medical Informatics

Institute of Biomedical Problems

Department of Medical Biology
Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety
Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management
Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Education

M.P. Skakun Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry

Department of Medical Biochemistry
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
Department of General Hygiene and Ecology

Institute of Pathological Processes Simulation and Analysis

Department of Pathophysiology
Department of Disaster and Military Medicine
Department of Emergency and Simulation Medicine
Department of Medical Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment
Department of Higher Education Pedagogy and Social Sciences
Department of the Ukrainian Language
Department of Foreign Languages

Clinical Departments

Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics and Phthisiology
Department of Internal Medicine No.1
Department of Internal Medicine No.3
Department of Functional and Laboratory Diagnostics
Department of Medical Rehabilitation
Department of Therapy and Family Medicine
Department of Emergency Medical Care
Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology, Dermatology and Venerology
Department of Neurology
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology
Department of Children’s Diseases and Pediatric Surgery
Department of General Surgery 
L.Ya. Kovalchuk Department of Surgery No.1, Urology, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Neurosurgery
Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Surgery
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive-Care Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology and Neurosurgery
Department of Oncology, Radiodiagnosis, Radiotherapy and Radiation Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology No.1

Faculty of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology
Department of Pharmachemistry
Department of Pharmacognosy and Medical Botany
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
Department of General Chemistry

Faculty of Dentistry

Department of Dental Surgery
Department of Dental Therapy
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Department of Orthopedic Dentistry

International Student’s Faculty 

Department of Surgery No.2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology No.2
Department of Pediatrics No.2
Department of Internal Medicine No.2
Department of Higher Nursing Education, Patient Care and Clinical Immunology
Preparation Department of the International Student’s Faculty

Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Department of Surgery
Department of Therapeutics and Family Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Department of Pharmacy
Department of Dentistry

At I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, the following grading system is used:


ECTS Grading Scale
Statistical Index ECTS Score
Best 10% A
Next 25% B
Next 30% C
Next 25% D
Last 10% E


Five-Point Grading Scale
Grade Remarks
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Satisfactory
2 Fail


Grade Points
from till
5 170,00 200,00
4 140,00 169,99
3 116,00 139,99


Instructions for students to use the “ACS” system of Ternopil State Medical University

  1. Authorization

You need to sign in to your Google Account using a university email that was given to you by dean’s office.

Then go to the portal

To authorize in the upper right corner, press the “Login” button (1) and “Authorization” (2).

Select the “Google (OAuth)” button (3).

WARNING!!! This option is REQUIRED !!! You do not need to enter a login or password, only your university account will be used when logging in. After selecting an account, it will authorize you in the system and your last name and initials will appear in the upper right corner.

View class schedule

To view the personal schedule of classes, use the button “schedule” (5) in the tab “Cabinet” (4):



The field of the displayed date range (6) – to set the display period of the personal schedule. If necessary, you can change the range by left-clicking in this field and selecting another date range and clicking the “select” button.

Lectures (8) are marked in yellow, and practical classes (7) are marked in green.

To print the schedule, use the “Print” button (9), where the mark in the option “Print schedule with the abbreviation” transfers the data to an Excel spreadsheet with the full name of the discipline, or abbreviated.

Student card

To view current grades from the e-journal, the presence of “absence”, “2”, etc. the journal button (10) will be used in the Cabinet tab:

The current academic semester is set for display by default (11).

Performance and Current Debt are available in this tab (12).


Frequently asked questions

1. What to do if you notice an error in the assessment, ” absence” on the current performance?

Grades and omissions are affixed by the teacher who conducted the lesson. Therefore, if you notice an error, ask your teacher to correct it.

2. What to do if there are any technical problems? Write to with a detailed description of the problem. For clarity, you need to attach a screenshot of the screen with the problem identified.

Follow these steps to log into Moodle

Use the browser that is set as your default, go to the page, click on ‘Sign in'(Or add an account) in the upper right corner, and use the login and password provided to you by the dean’s office.

During the first login, you will be prompted to change your password; do so using at least 8 characters (this will now be your password).

At the first sign-in, you need to accept the terms of the license agreement.

Go to the TNMU website at

To enter the Moodle distance learning system, click the MOODLE button.
Or use the direct link

Click “GOOGLE” as shown below.
Now you won’t need to re-enter your login and password at

Congratulations! You have successfully logged into Moodle.
Now go to the “ Dashboard” tab where your courses will be displayed.

You need to sign into your TNMU email account in order to access Moodleschedule of classesexam scheduleexam questions database

Follow these steps to sign into your TNMU email account in order to access Moodle, exam schedule, exam questions database

1. Go to (if you are already signed into your personal Gmail account, you need to add an account; to do this, go to in your Chrome, Opera, Firefox or other browser, click your profile picture in the top right corner and click Add account)

2. Enter your TNMU email address, e.g. as shown below (don’t omit the part, or you will see an error message) and click Next


3. Enter the default password you’ve been provided with, and click Sign in

4. If this is your first time signing in, you will be offered to accept the terms of use, and to change your password. You will have to enter your new password twice, and then you will be redirected to your Inbox

5. To access Moodle with all the online educational resources, go to the Moodle site and click the big red GOOGLE button. You will then have to click Allow when asked for permissions.


  1. Study hard, ALL THE TIME. Do not expect to get prepared in one week – study as you go with subjects, which you have everyday classes with, such as Medical Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Histology, Pathological Morphology, Pharmacology – for Krok-1, for example.
  2. Study questions from old databases, which are old exams from previous years. They are available at, where you can sort not even by year, but also by subject. Also, please use University resources –
  3. Please register on the Ministry official website – – and take mock Krok exams as many times, as you wish; they are timed, and have exact number of questions as real Krok. Please take mock tests over there frequently, especially right before real exams, as fresh and new questions are continuously added to this online database.
  4. During Krok exam –
  5. a)Come to the exam early, with confidence and pride. Don’t forget to bring white lab coat and your passport. Use restroom before exam, so your time is not wasted.
  6. b)Fill out answer sheet with your personal information very carefully!!!
  7. c)Don’t get distracted by anything around. Concentrate your attention on the booklet with questions!
  8. d)Don’t be nervous! Look through the whole booklet first, to evaluate all questions at a glance.
  9. e)You can write and make notes in a booklet with questions. Transfer your answers into the answer sheet only when you are confident about them.
  10. f)Please take a note, that it will take at least half an hour to transfer all answers to the answer sheet!!! So please – MANAGE YOUR TIME CAREFULLY!!
  11. g)Don’t get “stuck” on one question for too long, it is just a waste of time. Answering several questions wrong, is not a problem. Move on, you can always return to the previous questions later.
  12. h)If you don’t know exact answer to the question, just EXCLUDE answers which are 100% wrong; and choose from whatever is left.
  13. i)If you don’t know anything about question at all (which we believe will never happenJ ), JUST GUESS; by simply guessing you can also “get’ the answer right. Don’t leave unanswered questions!!!

Good Luck!