On April 1, 2024, 4th year students succesfully passed the objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) on the basis of the Interdepartmental Education and Training Center TESIMED in face-to-face and distance mode. Previously, TNMU held courses to improve the professional skills of the teachers titled “New approaches in the organization and conduct of OSCE. The use of computer technologies at OSCE stations”, which helped to improve skills in the preparation of virtual clinical cases in internal medicine (3 stations), pediatrics (3 stations), surgery (3 stations), neurology (2 stations) and psychiatry (1 station).
After registration and given instructions, under the supervision of the teachers, the students performed practical tasks consecutively at twelwe different stations, which covered those practical skills, that were provided for mastering the curriculum and allowed to check the competence of the students in applying existing knowledge in practice.
During OSCE, the following skills were assessed: collection and analysis of patient’s complaints; collection of illness and life history; physical examination technique for the purpose of identification and interpretation of pathological changes (symptoms and syndromes); medical manipulations; recognition of acute conditions in patients; interpretation of additional examination methods; communication ethics, etc., which collectively provides a more reliable assessment of the clinical competence of the future doctor.
The Dean’s office of the International Students’ Faculty congratulates the 4th year students on successful passing of the OSKE, and also expresses gratitude to the working group for the organization and conduct of the OSCE, as well as to all the teachers who were involved in the exam.