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Our University: historical timeline

The history of Ternopil National Medical University starts back in 1957, when the Ternopil Medical Institute was founded in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR No. 343 dated April 12, 1957.

With the gaining of independence by Ukraine, new opportunities opened up for the development of the institute, its entry into market relations and into the European educational space. By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 303 dated July 1, 1992, the institute was named after Ivan Yakovych Horbachevsky, who was a well-known biochemist, hygienist and epidemiologist, educationalist, candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1911. Ivan Horbachevsky was an ethnic Ukrainian, originally from the village of Zarubyntsi of Ternopil region. He was the founder of the Ministry and the first Minister of Health of Austria-Hungary.

The first international students got enrolled at the Ternopil State Medical Academy in September 1997. Since then, their number at our University have been increasing steadily.

According to the decision of the State Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of 10 February 1998, Ternopil State Medical Academy was given the right to conduct pre-university training, and according to the decision of 7 April 1998, it was authorized to provide university training of foreign nationals in the accredited specialties. Since then, the University extended its license for training of foreign citizens two times, and now it has the right to enroll 100 students of the Preparatory Department and 500 students in the accredited specialties.


Before 2004, there was no separate Faculty of International Students and all international students belonged to the Medical Faculty, which had a separate position of vice-dean for international students. Due to the significant increase in the number of international students, an urgent need arose for a separate Faculty of International Students at the University. By the Order of the Rector of December 2004, the Faculty of International Students was created and the position of Dean of International Students was introduced. The Dean’s Office directed its efforts at improving the training of international students and at facilitating their adaptation to the University and to Ukraine.



Since 2016, in accordance with the new list of fields of knowledge and specialties, the University has been training students at the first (bachelor’s) level in the specialties “Physical Therapy” and “Nursing”; at the second (master's) level in the specialties “Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Dentistry”, “Physical therapy”, “Public health” and “Nursing”; and at the third (educational and scientific level) in the specialties “Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Dentistry”, “Pediatrics”, “Biology”, “Nursing”.

Traditionally, for five years in a row, the solemn dedication (matriculation) of the first-year students takes place in the courtyard of the administrative building of TNMU.

Graduation at TNMU is one of the brightest events in the lives of the students, as well as a holiday for the entire team of the university and the parents and relatives of our students. This is a good reason to express sincere gratitude to the teachers for their fruitful work in training highly qualified specialists in the medical field, as well as to the parents for their many years of support and faith in their children. Therefore, parents and relatives of our students come to graduation every year, full of pride for their children.


Taking into account the nationwide and international recognition of the activities and results, a significant contribution to the development of national medical and pharmaceutical education and science, the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 146/2019 of April 17, 2019, granted the status of National University to our Alma Mater.

More information on the history of the University is available at –