TNMU as a powerful international player
International cooperation between universities is an integral part of the innovative development of higher education. Taking into account the development trends of modern education and science, the processes of globalization and regional integration, TNMU seeks not only national recognition, but also a high international status. That is why much attention is paid to international activities as one of the priority directions of the University's development, which is aimed at integrating the educational institution into the European and world scientific and educational space.
International Organizations
In an effort to consolidate its international position, Ternopil National Medical University is constantly involved into increasingly globalized activities of well known and prestigious international organizations, being its direct member or cooperation partner. These international activities of our University are directed onto intensification of its research and teaching potential. Throughout many years of fruitful cooperation a lot of possibilities were created for our students and teachers to develop new professional skills and run international scientific projects.
International Academic Mobility
Ternopil National Medical University supports and encourages the idea of further development of international partnership in order to integrate into the international academic community. Active international cooperation with educational and scientific institutions, as well as healthcare institutions around the world, makes it possible to implement a number of international projects and the participation of university representatives in academic exchange programs for teachers and students.
Erasmus+ is a EU program supporting projects of cooperation, partnerships, activities and mobility in the fields of academic and vocational training, youth and sport. Together with over 150 countries, Ukraine is one of the Erasmus+ Partner Countries (Programme Countries). 28 EU States are the Member Countries (Partner Countries) of the Programme as well as the Economic Union countries: Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein; candidate countries: Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia.
Ternopil International
Students Summer School – TERISS
Since 2006, the University has been operating International Summer Student Schools – a unique student information platform created with the aim of exchanging medical scientific and practical experience, fostering international tolerance and respect, as well as cultural integration of students from different countries. Since its inception, about 1,500 students from the USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Ukraine have taken part in this project.
Consorcium of Universities
The main purpose of the Consortium is to create modern and efficient corporate system of qualified specialists and scientific personnel in health care system, physical education and sports (man’s health, physical rehabilitation, fitness and recreation, in particular); to elaborate an efficient innovative system in medical education and science, physical education and sports; to implement innovative projects based on the integration of scientific, educational, medical and preventive, innovative and technologic potential of institutions – members of the Consortium; to apply the Consortium innovative activity results in Medical Education, Sports, and related fields.