We are member of:
We collaborate with:
Magna Charta Universitatum 2020
The Magna Charta Universitatum, a declaration and affirmation of the fundamental principles upon which the mission of universities should be based, was signed in 1988 on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the University of Bologna. The first principle was independence: research and teaching must be intellectually and morally independent of all political influence and economic interests. The second was that teaching and research should be inseparable, with students engaged in the search for knowledge and greater understanding. The third principle identified the university as a site for free enquiry and debate, distinguished by its openness to dialogue and rejection of intolerance. The principles laid out in the Magna Charta Universitatum are as valid today as they were in 1988, and they are the necessary precondition for human advancement through enquiry, analysis and sound action. The dramatic changes of life nowadays require the global academy to identify responsibilities and commitments that the signatories agree are vital to universities around the world in the Twenty-First Century. That is the reason for this new declaration. By signing the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 universities declare their commitment to the original declaration and to upholding and advancing the Principles, Values and Responsibilities stated above, to strengthen the role of universities in the preservation of the planet and promoting health, prosperity, and enlightenment around the world.
European University Association
The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organizations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard. EUA provides unrivalled opportunities for members to share best practices by participating in projects, events and other mutual-learning activities involving a wide range of universities. The Association also provides members with unique opportunities to shape European policies and initiatives affecting higher education and research.
European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy
EAFP is at the forefront of developments in pharmacy education and pharmacy in the various professional settings including community pharmacy, hospital and clinical pharmacy, industrial pharmacy and the pharmaceutical regulatory field. EAFP serves at a platform for its member institutions to be part of the changes, plan the future and address challenges to ensure that the high standards that are achieved in pharmacy education and research within faculties of pharmacy is maintained.
The Baltic University Programme
The Baltic University Programme (BUP) headquartered in Uppsala (Sweden), founded in 1991. Today the network gathers 232 universities who share a common interest and undertake common efforts to improve education and research, as well as collaboration with non-academic partners in the Baltic Sea region.
BUP has also an important role on the political scene, as strategic partner to the Council of the Baltic Sea States and as a Flagship project in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region.
The program provides a number of opportunities open to the faculty members of our University on a grant basis:
1. Conferences for researchers
2. Conferences for academic teachers
3. Conferences for PhD students
4. Conferences for Masters and Bachelor students
5. Summer courses for Masters and Bachelor students
6. The summer sail/course for students and teachers on a tall ship, SAIL
7. PhD courses
8. Small grant funding for Masters, Bachelor and PhD students
9. Award for best PhD thesis in the year
The Programme also includes all teaching materials as well as participation in BUP projects and research activities.
As our University is the member of the Baltic University Programme, we have full access to all these activities mentioned above.
Details about current opportunities and deadlines for applications on the official website of the program: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/
Also participating in the program provides integrated courses offered by the program in those courses that are taught at our university. The list of courses and online materials freely available in seven languages: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/index.php/ecosystem-health-and-sustainable-agriculture
Dear colleagues, we invite you to actively participate in the BUP!
In October 2019, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University became a member of RECOOP HST Association (The Association for Regional Cooperation in the fields of Health, Science and Technology).
The main objective of the Strategic Alliance is to educate and motivate scientists to enable laboratories to obtain maximum results, and to transform research results into “long-term results” – commercially available products: new diagnostic tools, new medical devices and new drugs for the benefit of society .
RECIF is an international association for health professionals (scientists, doctors, pharmacists, biologists, paramedics) who seek to deepen their knowledge in the field of clinical epidemiology, plan and directly conduct clinical research and further participate in the development of guidelines for the management of patients with various diseases. The members of the association are the coordinators of research programs.
The association was first established in Lyon in 1988. Today, it unites the European branch of RECIF-EuroMedclen and the French-speaking African branch of INCLEN.
RECIF conducts the following training programs: “Clinical Research Methodology”, a two-week course consisting of 100 hours of practical and theoretical classes, after which participants must compile an individual research protocol, as well as a 4-week intensive training cycle, which includes statistical analysis of previously created databases . These programs are organized jointly with CEREC Amiens and the university, which is connected to the RECIF network.
World Health Organization
WHO, as the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system, adheres to the UN values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity. The values of the WHO workforce furthermore reflect the principles of human rights, universality and equity established in WHO’s Constitution as well as the ethical standards of the Organization. These values are inspired by the WHO vision of a world in which all peoples attain the highest possible level of health, and our mission to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable, with measurable impact for people at country level. We are individually and collectively committed to put these values into practice.
United Nations
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the largest, most familiar, most internationally represented and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world. The UN performs much of its humanitarian work through its specialized agencies and autonomous subsidiary funds and programs.
Improving world health through excellence in medical education in the context of ECFMG’s core values of collaboration, professionalism and accountability. The ECFMG promotes quality health care for the public by certifying international medical graduates for entry into U.S. graduate medical education, and by participating in the evaluation and certification of other physicians and health care professionals nationally and internationally. In conjunction with its Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), and other partners, it actively seeks opportunities to promote medical education through programmatic and research activities.
Faimer DL
Improving world health through excellence in medical education in the context of ECFMG’s core values of collaboration, professionalism and accountability. The ECFMG promotes quality health care for the public by certifying international medical graduates for entry into U.S. graduate medical education, and by participating in the evaluation and certification of other physicians and health care professionals nationally and internationally. In conjunction with its Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), and other partners, it actively seeks opportunities to promote medical education through programmatic and research activities.
European Resuscitation Council
The ERC is a member of the International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation (ILCOR), where ERC experts contribute actively to the worldwide Consensus On Science and Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR). The ERC also supports and initiates scientific studies related to resuscitation. A network of National Resuscitation Councils, Course Organiszers, Course Directors and Instructors provide resuscitation training for lay rescuers and health professionals. The ERC defines the standard for delivery of high-quality training and certifies providers who successfully complete an ERC course.
Horizon 2021
Research and innovation funding programme until 2027. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies. It creates jobs, fully engages the EU’s talent pool, boosts economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area. Legal entities from the EU and associated countries can participate.
AIESEC is an international youth-run, non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteer exchange experiences. The organization focuses on empowering young people to make a progressive social impact.
The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. It is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies.