In October 2019, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University became a member of the RECOOP HST Association (The Association for Regional Cooperation in the fields of Health, Science and Technology).

RECOOP HST Association

RECOOP Annual Meeting 2019 (Wroclaw, Poland)
In 2006 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC, Los Angeles, USA) together with eleven institutes and universities from seven Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) established the RECOOP HST Consortium. In 2012 the RECOOP members transformed the Consortium into a Research Association and formed the Association for Regional Cooperation in Health, Science and Technology (RECOOP HST Association). RECOOP is legally registered in Hungary (Debrecen, registration number 4160 of 10/05/2012, TAX ID: 18299140-1 -09, EU TAX ID: HU18299140). Dr. Sandor G. Vari, Director of International Research and Innovation Management in Medicine Programs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California is the President of the RECOOP HST Association.
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC) and RECOOP HST Association have established a Strategic Alliance based on high-quality scientific achievements from individual partners. The RECOOP assists its members with research grants to buildup research capacities and enhances biomedical research according to its mission statement: “The RECOOP HST Association explores and enhances LOCAL scientific outputs of the partner organizations, creates a critical mass of scientifically sound innovative research at a REGIONAL level and exploits the research outcomes at a GLOBAL level to improve the prevention and treatment of major public health problems.”™
RECOOP HST awarded grants
- RECOOP Grant # 020 Senior Scientists Grant 2020 – 2022. Investigation and validation of COVID Saliva ELISA immune assay (Lviv – Ternopil).
- RECOOP # 021 Senior Scientists Grant 2020 – 2021. Sex difference in chronic stress during COVID-19 lockdown of students (Ternopil – Osijek – Wroclaw).
- RECOOP # 022 Senior Scientists Grant 2020 – 2021. Chronic stress study of SARS-CoV-2 infected seropositive patients and health care workers (Ternopil – Osijek).
- RECOOP # 023 Senior Scientists Grant 2020 – 2021. Impacts of COVID 19 infection on patients with high blood pressure using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) (Ternopil – Osijek).
- RECOOP # 024 Fusion Grant 2020 – 2021. Vascular Dysfunction in post-infected COVID-19 patients (Ternopil – Lviv – Pasteur Paris – Szeged).
- RECOOP Grant # 25 Senior Scientists Grant 2020 – 2021. Investigate the cross-reactive immunity between HCoVs and the SARS-CoV-2 viruses (Ternopil – Lviv – Pasteur Paris).
- RECOOP Grant # 26 Fusion Grant 2020 – 202. Changes in blood coagulation hemostasis and coagulation factors’ glycoprotein after COVID – 19 infections (Kyiv – Debrecen – Ternopil).
- RECOOP Grant # 027 Young Scientist Research Grant 2020 -2021. Fluorescein quantum dots optical sensor for detection of saliva cortisol in acute and chronic stress-related to COVID – 19 diseases (Wroclaw-Ternopil).
- RECOOP Grant # 028 Fusion Research Grant 2021 – 2022 COVID-19 disease and comorbidities during pregnancy (Ternopil – Kyiv – Pecs – Szeged)
- RECOOP Grant # 030 Fusion Grant 2022-2023. COVID -19 Severity and Gene Polymorphism in Children and Adults (Ternopil-Lviv–Debrecen)
- RECOOP Grant # 032 Senior Scientists 2022 – 2023. Improved Hemostatic Device with Chitosan Powder for Combat Injury Dressing (Lviv – Ternopil – Wroclaw)
- RECOOP Grant # 036 Genetic Predictors for MAFLD (Ternopil – Szeged)
RECOOP Solidarity grants to support TNMU scientists during the war. Dr. Vary and RECOOP HST Association established RECOOP Solidarity Fellowship (CRSF) for young researchers to support Ukrainian scientists and give them an opportunity to work and continue their research work:
- Post-Graduate student of TNMU Department of Medical Biochemistry Anastasiia Pak completed an internship at the University of Debrecen (Hungary) in the Scientific Centre of Molecular Medicine (LINK).
- Post-Graduate student of TNMU Department of Functional and Laboratory Diagnostics Tetiana Homeliuk completed an internship at the Department of Biology of the Josip Juraj Strosmayer University of Osijek (Croatia) (LINK).
Members of the Association are research institutes and universities from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and the USA:
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC, Los Angeles, USA).
- J. Strossmayer University, Medical School (Osijek, Croatia).
- The University of Zagreb, School of Medicine (Zagreb, Croatia).
- School of Medicine, University of Split (Split, Croatia).
- Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic).
- Faculty of Pharmacy, Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary).
- Faculty of Medicine Debrecen University (Debrecen, Hungary).
- Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary).
- Medical School, University of Pecs (Pécs, Hungary).
- “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Bucharest, Romania)
- Slovak Medical University (Bratislava, Slovakia).
- Comenius University, Faculty of Medicine (Bratislava, Slovakia).
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology(Wroclaw, Poland).
- Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Lviv, Ukraine).
- O.Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).
- Institute of Cell Biology, NAS of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine).
- I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.
RECOOP is investigating the Common Mechanism of Diseases (CMD) and focusing on law-grade inflammation has a significant role in obesity and in the development of diabetes most challenging disease in metabolic disorders, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and infectious disease. RECOOP provides research grants and manages projects investigating nutrition, lifestyle and related risk factors, smoking, and alcohol, drug, mental and physical abuse, and acute and chronic stress. The scientific quality of the Cedars – RECOOP Research Centers (CRRC) is reflected in the Annual Scientific Review Journals (Biopolymers and Cell, Croatian Medical Journal and the Ukrainian Biochemical Journal) and published papers in Q1-3 journals. The main objective of the RECOOP HST Association is to educate and motivate scientists to enable laboratories to obtain maximum results, and to transform research results into commercially available products: new diagnostic tools, new medical devices, and new drugs for the benefit of society.
Therefore the Association has implemented a continuing education program. The members organize workshop and training courses for research and innovation management, making extensive use of the opportunities offered by the World Intellectual Property Academy (WIPO) courses for technology transfer managers, lecturers, Ph.D. students and post docs.
The Association created the RECOOP Grant, and Fund Mechanism supports and fosters multidisciplinary, multicentre research activities to enhance the competitiveness of the Cedars- RECOOP Research Centers (CRRC). The funded projects are strongly related to a RECOOP Common Mechanism of Diseases Research Strategy and areas of interest.
The main areas of research within the RECOOP HST Association are:
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.)
- Infections including COVID – 19
- Inflammation (including low-grade inflammation)
- Reproductive Health, Preterm births
- Nanomedicine & Drug Development
To find partners for joint research and to apply for RECOOP grants, contact the Head of Research Office Oksana Shevchuk