Меню Закрити

Phylosophy Aspects in Nursing

Department of Higher Education Pedagogy and Social Sciences

Responsible for implementation – Associate Professor O. Pylypyshyn

The development of civilization foundations in the late XX – early XXI century has caused a considerable amount of profound and contradictory changes in all spheres of economy, politics, culture, etc. In this situation, the problems of world-view orientation of the person, awareness of one`s place and role in global and local social processes, development of a mechanism of responsibility are of particular importance. Philosophy has always played, and plays a special role in, the formation of the philosophical foundations of culture, connected with the cultivation of an experience of critical thinking, the subject of which is to establish important values ​​and life priorities.
The subject of the course is philosophy as a phenomenon of culture, the world historical-philosophical process, the system of philosophical knowledge, including modern philosophical concepts and basic philosophical problems.
Purpose: to give the idea about specific features of philosophy as a form of social consciousness, which unfolds the essence of the universe; to show the role of philosophy in the life activity of society and personality as a methodological basis of outlook; to develop students’ critical thinking skills, independent analysis of complex phenomena of socio-cultural life.