Листи підтримки від закордонних партнерів ТНМУ
Ми щиро дякуємо всім нашим закордонним партнерам за теплі слова підтримки.
Тбіліська медична академія (Грузія)
Rector of TMA, Ms Irene Shotadze, and whole TMA have the initiative to give effective and important support to Ternopil National Medical University.
First of all we ask you to collaborate in preparing of any communication platform that will help the students of TMA and TNMU communicate easily to each other (that could be Facebook Page, any social network group, etc.). This action will give us more opportunity to get information about their needs and to share our support to them.
Second thing is that our rector and whole TMA are ready to host a small group of your students (about 10 students) in Tbilisi who have shelter and financial problems.
Our rector has already participated in humanitarian aid project for Ukraine, but we believe that’s not enough and it takes much time for you to get this support. So we are mostly focused on much direct and instant support we can provide to you and to your students.
Please feel free to contact us in case of any aspect that we can help!
We stand with TNMU, we stand with Ukraine!
Slava Ukraine, Geroyam Slava!!!
Kind Regards,
აკაკი სეფაშვილი
Akaki Sepashvili
კლინიკური უნარ-ჩვევების ცენტრი
Clinical Skills Center
Szanowny Panie Rektorze,
Władze Akademii Bialskiej Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II (dawniej PSW) z niepokojem obserwują wydarzenia na terenie Ukrainy. Nasza uczelnia solidaryzuje się ze społecznością Ukrainy. Włączyliśmy się szeroko i aktywnie w pomoc na rzecz obywateli Ukrainy. Jeżeli czegoś potrzebujecie, jeśli jest coś, co możemy dla Was zrobić, dajcie znać.
Jesteśmy z Wami, wytrwajcie!
Shanovnyy pane rektore!
Orhany vlady Byalsʹkoyi akademiyi prykladnykh nauk Ivan Pavlo II (kolyshniy PSW) iz zanepokoyennyam sposterihayutʹ za podiyamy v Ukrayini. Nash universytet solidarnyy z ukrayinsʹkoyu hromadoyu. My aktyvno i shyroko doluchylysya do dopomohy hromadyanam Ukrayiny. Yakshcho vam shchosʹ potribno, yakshcho my mozhemo shchosʹ zrobyty dlya vas, dayte meni znaty. My z vamy, vytrymuyte!
Z poważaniem,
Justyna Niewińska
Akademii Bialskiej Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (Молдова)
Ghent University (Бельгія)
Dear colleague
Ghent University is deeply saddened and shocked by the war in Ukraine, which entails an irreversible loss of lives, immeasurable human suffering, and immense material destruction.
We express our warmest sympathy for your university community, your staff and students, and all their beloved ones.
You can be assured that we will undertake to the best of our abilities all necessary actions to support Ukrainian researchers and students who might be prevented from returning home after their stay at our university.
Ghent University also wants to confirm that we will appeal to all governments concerned to make sure that academic cooperation can continue as much as possible, as it allows the free flow of thoughts even during the darkest hours of armed conflict. This implies that we will also back those members of the academic communities in the Russian Federation and Belarus, staff and students alike, who dare to speak out against war, express solidarity with their Ukrainian colleagues, and continue to advocate academic freedom.
Despite these difficult times we are convinced that our mutual ties will not be broken, and that, in a hopefully not-too-distant future, we will be able to resume our much valued academic cooperation, in order to achieve our common ideal: to make the world a better place for this and future generations.
With kind regards
Prof. Rik Van de Walle
Health Center of Excellence (Косово)
Dear Dr. Mikhailo,
Hope this email finds you and your family in a good health.
The entire world is praying for Ukraine, we are concerned about your nation and doing the best to support you.
Whatever we do it’s not enough to ease the situation, we need and have to do more.
My family and many more throughout my country as well the government of Kosovo is offering support and welcoming people from your lovely country.
My dear friend we are with you, the entire world is with your nation.
God Bless you and your nation,
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours sincerely,
Neshad Asllani
Health Center of Excellence
Mid & South Essex NHS foundation Trust University College London Basildon University Hospital (Велика Британія)
Dear Professor Korda
Ukraine has been in our thoughts and prayers for the last two months and more so for the last 10 days. I trust you and your family are well. We were due to be in Ternopil for a medical and education conference from 7/4/22 -11/4/22 but unfortunately this is not to be.
The Philadelphia trust is working with our medical contacts to provide aid for medical supplies and our church contacts to help house refugees in Lviv and other parts of Ukraine. I am aware of the difficulties your foreign students have faced in trying to get to the border. We have our colleagues in place in Lviv to help students get to the Ukraine – Poland border and Polish colleagues across the border to help them with food accommodation and to help get them to the airport. If you have students who need help, please do let me know by email or WhatsApp (+44 7789 074360).
Do keep safe. We continue to pray for all our friends in Ukraine and the nation as a whole.
Kind regards
Johnson Samuel MD FRCP FHEA
Group Director of Medical Education & Consultant Respiratory Physician
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University College London
Lead for Pulmonary Physiology, Sleep & Ventilation
Mid & South Essex NHS foundation Trust
Basildon University Hospital I Basildon
Powiślański University (Гданськ, Польща)
Dear Rectors,
Dear Collegues,
Hope my email finds you well in those dark times.
I am writing on behalf of Powiślański University management and all academic community.
Please see the attached official letter for your kind perusal.
Best regards,
Paulina Osuch
Erasmus + Programme Coordinator
Powiślański University, Gdańsk