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News from the BUP secretariats 2023

The Baltic University Programme shares a call for students to


Apply to become an intern at the BUP Coordinating Secretariat


The Secretariat coordinates the Programme with nearly 100 participating universities in the Baltic Sea Region, cooperating for education and research in Sustainable Development and Democracy. Offering internships is one way that the BUP strives towards supporting students in their first career steps.


The intern will assist the Secretariat with coordinating projects and organising conferences and trainings for researchers, teachers, and students. The BUP is also developing digitalised education material in which the intern would assist the Secretariat.


The applicant needs to have knowledge of and an interest in the field of sustainable development. The intern is chosen with their motivation letter and interview in mind and we place great emphasis on personal suitability.


The internship will begin at the earliest on 28 August 2023. The period, duration, and focus of the internship will be defined individually depending on the intern’s interests and skills. The internship is unpaid and the intern also needs to cover travel, accommodation, and their own living costs.


The application call is open until 25 June 2023.


Read more about the application and the role as an intern at the BUP Coordinating Secretariat.

A smiling

The BUP Research and Publications Office (BUPRaP) shares


Opportunities for funded research projects

BUPRaP, in cooperation with various partners, is leading the preparation of four Horizon Europe projects, all due in February 2024. These are as follows:Project 1: “Supporting Agro-Forestry in Africa by an Improved Management of Agroforestry Systems Leading to a Greater Climate Change Resilience”EU Call: HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-10 – EU African Union cooperation on agroforestry management for climate change adaptation and mitigation Project total budget: 6 million Euro Project 2: “Towards Sustainable and Fair Food Systems Across the Supply-Chain by Incorporating Health and Safety in Production and Consumption Processes”EU-Call: HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-8: Preventing and reducing food waste to reduce environmental impacts and to help reach 2030 climate targets Project total budget: 4 million Euro Project 3: “Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems via EU-African Cooperation  and Open Food Trade Regimes”EU-Call: HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-11: EU-African Union – towards climate-neutral, social just fair trade food systems Project total budget: 4 million Euro Project 4:  “Assessing and Quantifying the role of Terrestrial Biogeochemical in Carbon Cycles”HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-07: Quantification of the role of key terrestrial ecosystems in the carbon cycle and related climate effects Project total budget: 10 million Euro We are now seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified teams, who may be interested to join one of these projects. Since the preparation team entails a group of specialists writing the applications in a professional way, and bearing in mind that a robust project application entails hundreds of working hours, it is necessary that interested organisations make a contribution towards the project preparation costs. These will be discussed with each partner.In case you are interested to join one of these calls, please contact the project team at: info@iccip.net

 colleagues smiling at the

The Baltic University Programme shares new about


RESCUU-course giving hope for the future


During the spring the BUP and the Unit for Academic Teaching and Learning at Uppsala University host the course “Designing and Delivering Distance and Blended Teaching and Learning for teaching staff in Ukraine”.


Close to 100 Ukrainian colleagues are currently taking the course that takes place every week online. The RESCUU project aims to give Ukrainian teachers and students tools that will enable them to play an active role in reconstruction after the war ends. The course is meant to give the participants new perspectives on distance education and to offer a forum in which they can focus on their role as academics.


One of the colleagues taking part is Anna Kholmska from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv. Anna thinks that the pedagogical parts of the course have been particularly good. She says that teachers in Ukraine do not receive very much training in teaching methods.

Read a news article about the course on the Uppsala University website.

 colleagues smiling at the

Geir Gunnlaugsson, Educational developer and Lyudmyla Babak, BUP Project coordinator, are in charge of the course. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

News from participating universities

Vilnius University shares call for


PhD positions in the field of political science


The Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University (IIRPS VU) invites colleagues to apply for PhD positions in the field of political science.


Throughout the four-year period of studies, the doctoral candidates at the IIRPS VU are provided with theoretical and methodological training as well as continuous support for the implementation of their research projects.


The studies are based on strategies of inclusion, feedback, and attention to each doctoral student to achieve the best results in terms of the implementation of research, strengthening scientific competences as well as methodological and pedagogical skills. State-funded positions with a scholarship (ranging from 931 Euro in the first year of studies to 1 078 Euro in the second-fourth year of studies) are available.


Read more about the positions and the application process on the website of Vilnius University.


The deadline for applications is 19 June 2023.