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Providing opportunities for cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

The result of the first call of our new SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme has now been published. 33 projects have been granted funding to cooperate in the Baltic Sea region and its neighbouring areas. We look forward to following these initiatives as they start up after the summer.At the same time, we provide opportunities for new projects as we have now launched a call for seed funding to initiate cooperation on challenges and opportunities for the Baltic Sea region. We would also like to announce that during summer SI has special call for funding for projects aimed at target groups in Ukraine. The call has its background in the current situation in Ukraine and the need for support, cooperation, contacts and competence. There are many partnerships and networks in the Baltic Sea region that, within the framework of this call, can start, or build on, existing cooperation. The projects should support Ukrainian actors and target groups to strengthen their skills and thus create conditions for future reconstruction.You can find out more about our work in the Baltic Sea region and with the EU Eastern Partnership countries on our web page dedicated to this region.> CALLS FOR APPLICATIONSSI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme – new calls over summerSI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme is a programme which provides funding to projects in which EU countries around the Baltic Sea and countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership can participate. During summer 2023, SI has two open calls; seed funding and funding for projects aimed at target groups in Ukraine.Deadline for applications: 20 September 2023> CALL FOR SEED FUNDING PROJECTS
Seed funding aims to lay the foundation for cooperation. For example, projects can use seed funding to:
Prepare applications for new funding (mainly EU).Develop concepts and identify partners for future cooperation.Main applicant: Legal entity based in Sweden
Partnership: A partnership must include actors from at least three countries (including the Swedish main applicant.)
Budget: At least SEK 100,000 and up to SEK 400,000. 
Project period: From 6 months to 15 months. Formal start of projects must be 1 December 2023.  The instructions and the application material can be found already now on our website. More information in English.
Funding for projects aiming at support for target groups in Ukraine. More specifically: 
target groups within academia in Ukraine (doctoral students and post-docs).local public sector in Ukraine (key positions).youth and young adults in Ukraine at educational institutions, corresponding with levels such as upper secondary school and academic undergraduate education.Main applicant: Legal entity based in Sweden
Partnership: At least 1 partner from Ukraine
Budget: Depends on chosen target group (see website) 
Project period:12 – 24 monthsDepending on the target group your project aim to focus on, there are specific requirements. All requirements can be found in the application material, which will shortly be uploaded to the website. More information in English.
More information in Swedish.> INFORMATION SEMINARS AND Q&A SESSIONS FOR CALLS In August and September SI arranges information seminars about the calls:
15 August 2023, 13:00-14:30 (CET) in Swedish29 August 2023, 10:00-11:30 (CET) in Swedish5 September 2023, 09:00-10:30 (CET) in EnglishDuring the last weeks of the call, SI also organises online Q&A sessions aimed at Swedish main applicants who have started an application.
12 September 2023, 13:00-14:30 (CET) for the seed funding call in Swedish.14 September 2023, 13:00-14:30 (CET) for the Ukraine call in Swedish.Registration links will be published on our events section of the website in the beginning of August (at the latest):Events section in English.
Events section in Swedish. > READ ABOUT OUR WORKRead the latest articles on our websiteBiogas in focus as project funds from SI laid the foundation for EU projectThe project BalticBiogasCircles aimed to spread good examples of biogas use in the Baltic Sea region, among other things through examples from public transportation. When the conditions changed due to a new EU directive in 2021, the network created through the project was crucial for applying for and receiving EU funding. Read full article.Project on food production and rural tourism opened the door to EU fundingThe pandemic, the war, inflation, and the energy crisis, have all had a negative impact on the agriculture around the Baltic Sea. Now the project BASCIL wants to help farmers around the Baltic Sea to maximize their benefit from food production by developing their businesses and becoming culinary destinations. Read full article.Find more articles below in links:
33 new projects granted funding in SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme. Ukraine in focus at the final meeting of Sweden’s presidency of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region> EVENTSSwedish – Ukrainian Contact Seminar 2023 – a digital conference on education and research, 3-4 October.
The Swedish Council for Higher Education together with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine will arrange a digital contact seminar for Swedish and Ukrainian higher education institutions. Read more.Safe and Sustainable Baltic Sea Region for Future Generations – EUSBSR Annual Forum 2023 in Riga, 4-5 October.
The 14th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region will take place in Riga, Latvia 4–5 October. Read more.Strengthening and developing cooperation with Ukraine to empower sustainable rebuilding, Riga, 4 October.
At the ESBSR Annual forum SI will co-arrange a workshop with Policy area Nutri and other EUSBSR policy areas to discuss cooperation with Ukraine. See more info on the Annual Forum website soon.Events aimed at Swedish target groups only: 

West Sweden EU Conference, 21-22 september 2023.

The theme of the West Sweden EU Conference this year is green and digital transformation with a focus on the green societal transformation locally, regionally, nationally and at the EU level. Read more. 
Contact at SI about the SI Baltic Sea Neigbourhood Programme:Email: balticseaneighbourhood@si.seDuring July, we have limited possibilities of answering questions on a daily basis but will get back as soon as possible to you. For the ongoing calls, we recommend you to read the Instructions that should give answers to most questions.