Call of Student mobilities through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme
The International Relations Office is delighted to announce a scholarship for student mobilities from Ternopil National Medical University to the Aristotle University ofThessaloniki (Greece) on the frame of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility. Student mobilities will be implemented on Health Sciences in spring semestr of 2023-2024 academic year. Erasmus+ scholarship covers travel costs for the round trip and maintenance support for the entire period of stay.
Nominations’ period at Ternopil National Medical University: 4th September – 25th September, 2023.
Students will apply for mobilities which will be realized during the Spring Semester 2023-24 (that is, from February till June 2023).
Please see the available mobilities for studies at the following link:
All students will need to apply online and upload all requested documents.
For more information, you can visit the following link:
1. Partner Universities will nominate students via the e-nomination form.
2. All nominees will receive guidelines on how to apply online at our system by submitting all requested documents.
3. After the deadline of applications, all applications will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ International Coordinators of our Schools and Faculties. The Coordinators will evaluate the students’ academic performance, their language level as well as their learning agreement.
4. The Selection Committee of our Department will decide who will be granted a mobility according to the criteria set and the number of available mobilities per country.
5. Partner Universities will be sent the list of selected and non-selected applicants.
All documents (Learning Agreement for Studies, C.V., the Transcript of Records and Language Certificate) should be submitted to the International Relations Office up to the date of 25th September 2023.