Меню Закрити

Staff vacancy on the frame of Erasmus+ at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 01.04.2024

The International Relations Office is delighted to announce a scholarship for teaching staff from Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University to the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, Spain) on the frame of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility [KA171].

Staff mobility will be implement on Health Sciences in 2024-2025 academic year and will last 5 working day.

Erasmus+ scholarship covers travel costs for the round trip and maintenance support for the entire period of stay.

Deadline to carry out the mobility: 30th June 2025.

The following documents should be apply to the International Relations Office:

  1. CV;
  2. Passport copy;
  3. Proof of employment updated (a document that shows staff link with TNMU).
  4. Mobility Agreement (filled out and signed by all parts at the last page).
  5. Invitation letter issued by a USC professor.

In order to receive an Invitation Letter, staff should present Mobility Agreement (a one-week teaching plan) to a professor from the University of Santiago de Compostela in the same academic field and obtain her/his written acceptance.

Get a contact at the University of Santiago de Compostela (professors and researchers): http://imaisd.usc.es/buscadorinvestigadores.asp?i=en&s=-126-191-234 

For more information, please contact Institutional Erasmus Coordinator Tetiana Kovalchuk (tel.: +380672536322).