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Charity work of TSMU international students

Students of Ternopil State Medical University from Iraq have recently gifted over eight bags filled with  humanitarian aid to the charity foundation Caritas and to the residential institution for children on Strimka Street. Items such as clothes, shoes, and blankets were collected by this year’s TSMU graduates. The young people said: “We did it from the heart and do not want any publicity, because good things do not need to be spoken about. We will be glad if all these things will be used by people who need them. While studying here, we really fell in love with the university and Ukraine, so now saying goodbye we are glad to have this opportunity to offer some assistance. ”

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Both Caritas and the home for orphaned children were welcomed this charity help. The heads of these organizations  extended their gratitude and best wishes to the graduates.

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The international students would like to thank the administration as well as employees of the maintenance department for providing transportation to carry the bags. The faculty of the Research Institute of Biomedical Problems and Department of Social Medicine, Health Care Management, Economy and Medical Statistics also provided assistance in organizing and supporting the charity drive.

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The administration would like to thank the graduates for their caring hearts, and wish them all the best in their future!