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Regulations on the educational process organization
Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships to TNMU students, clinical residents, post-graduate students and post-doctoral students
Procedure for assessment of the activity of research and teaching staff and departments
Regulations on the practical training of Ukrainian and international students
Regulations on the admission committee
Regulations on keeping primary documentation
Instructions for actions in emergency situations for TNMU students and staff
Regulations on the procedure for implementation of the right to academic mobility of educational process participants
Regulations on sports sections
Regulations on qualification paper in specialty 223 Nursing
Regulations on the organization and procedure of certification of the Master’s degree students of the Academic and Research Institute of Nursing
Regulations on the organization and procedure of certification of the Bachelor’s degree students of the Academic and Research Institute of Nursing
Regulations on the organization and procedure of certification of the Bachelor’s degree students majoring in 223 “Nursing”, field of knowledge 22 “Health Care” (training program “Paramedic”)
Regulations on the procedure for assigning academic titles of Professor and Associate Professor to research and teaching staff
Regulations on educational pharmacy
Procedure for awarding bonuses to research and teaching staff of the departments of the Faculty of Dentistry and the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Regulations on the procedure for conducting Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Regulations on the procedure for conducting Objective Structured Clinical Examination (general information for junior students)
About the transferring of academic disciplines and the academic difference for students who were enrolled on the basis of the educational and qualification level of “junior specialist”
Regulations on the procedure for ordering, printing, issuing and accounting for documents on higher education
Regulations on the system of internal assurance of higher education quality
Regulations on the organization, implementation of current and summative assessment and the procedure for appealing it
On the procedure for transfer, expulsion and renewal, applying for academic leave and retraining of students
Regulations on the procedure for transferring students who study at the expense of individuals and legal entities to vacant places ordered by the state
Regulations on the Commission on recognition of educational documents issued by educational institutions of other states
Procedure for rewarding research and teaching staff for teaching subjects in English at the B2 level and above.
Regulations on the procedure for recognition of learning outcomes obtained in non-formal and informal education
Regulations on distance learning
Regulations on the correspondence form of study of postgraduate students
Regulations on the correspondence form of higher education at the Institute of Nursing
Regulations on correspondence education at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on the correspondence form of education at the Faculty of Medicine
Regulations on the academic program
Regulations on the syllabus of the academic course
Regulations on distance learning in the conditions of the introduction of quarantine measures
Regulations on the approval of the procedure for conducting the semester summative assessment
Regulations on the distance form of higher education at the Academic and Research Institute of Nursing
Regulations on the organization and procedure of certification of graduates in specialty “Public Health”
Regulations on the procedure for conducting Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a component of the certification of graduates in specialty 221 “Dentistry”
Regulations on the organization and procedure for certification of graduates in specialty 221 “Dentistry”
Regulations on the procedure for certification of graduates in specialty “Physical Therapy” (Bachelor’s degree)
Regulations on the procedure for conducting Objective Structured Practical (Clinical) Examination at TNMU
Regulations on OSP(C)E for Master’s degree students in Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy, 2020
Regulations on elective courses
Regulations on the procedure for oral retake of final forms of semester assessment
Regulations on the procedure for the graduates’ certification in remote format
Regulations on the procedure for the training of PhD students
Regulations on certification of PhD students
Regulations on the prureoced for preparation and defence of Master’s theses by students of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and defence of qualification papers by students at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on the organization and procedure of certification of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on professional development and training of research and teaching staff
Regulations on the procedure for reworking missed classes by students
Regulations on the procedure for practical, laboratory and seminar classes for students in clinical and medical-biological disciplines. that were missed without good reason
Procedure for rewarding research and teaching staff for publication activity
Regulations on writing, design and defence of Master’s theses
Regulations on the method of calculating the clinical workload of research and teaching staff of clinical departments
Regulations on the procedure for the appointing and training of PhD students without postgraduate studies
Regulations on the pedagogical practical training of postgraduate students
Regulations on the implementation of organizational measures on the rating distribution of TNMU graduates for internships
Regulations on keeping records of citizens’ appeals
Regulations on the organization and use of TNMU corporate e-mail
Regulations on the system of continuing professional development of health care workers
Regulations on conducting the summative assessment “Practical Training: Simulation Training” in the form of OSCE for the 6th-year students
Regulations on the conduction of Objective Structured Clinical Exam in specialty 222 Medicine for the 3rd-4th- and 5th-year students
Regulations on conducting Objective Structured Practical (Clinical) Exam as a component of the second stage of USQE certification of graduates in specialty 222 Medicine
Regulations on the procedure for preparation and defence of qualifying papers for students of the second (Master’s) level of higher education in specialty 227 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Regulations on the procedure for certification of graduates of the second (Master’s) level of higher education in specialty 227 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Regulations on the prevention of conflicts of interest during continuing professional development activities…
Regulations on the assessment of continuing professional development activities for signs of academic integrity…
Methodology for evaluating the acquired knowledge, competences and practical skills of health care workers

Regulations on the Rector’s Office
Regulations on the Faculty of Medicine
Regulations on the Faculty of Dentistry
Regulations on the International Students’ Faculty
Regulations on the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on the Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Regulations on the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine
Regulations on the Department of Communication and Marketing
Regulations on the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Dentistry
Regulations on the Dean’s Office of the International Students’ Faculty
Regulations on the Dean’s Office of the Academic and Research Institute of Nursing
Regulations on the Academic and Research Institute of Nursing
Regulations on the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Regulations on the Academic and Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems
Regulations on meetings of the staff at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Typical regulations on the theoretical department
Typical regulations on the clinical department
Regulations on the Academic Office
Regulations on the Department of Internal Assurance of Higher Education Quality
Regulations on the Department of Clinical Affairs
Regulations on the Human Resources Department
Regulations on the Research Office
Regulations on the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Education
Regulations on the University Clinic
Regulations on the Dentistry Department of the University Clinic
Regulations on the Central Educational and Methodological Office
Regulations on the Document Management Department
Regulations on the Information Technologies Department
Regulations on the Department of Public Procurement
Regulations on the Department of Technical Means of Education
Regulations on the Department of Planning and Finances
Regulations on the Patent Information Office
Regulations on the Department of Legal Affairs
Regulations on the Accounting Office
Regulations on the Internal Audit Department
Regulations on the Maintenance and Supply Department
Regulations on the Repair and Construction Department
Regulations on the Department of Student Practical Training
Regulations on the Project Management Office
Regulations on the Interdepartmental Educational Centre for Practical Training
Regulations on the Training and Practical Centre for Primary Health Care
Regulations on the Department of Independent Students Testing
Regulations on the Library
Regulations on the “Chervona Kalyna” Academic and Recreation Centre
Regulations on the Student Catering Facility
Regulations on the “Ukrmedknyha” Publishing House
Regulations on the Metrology Services
Regulations on the Graduate Employment Assistance Department
Regulations on the Psychological Counselling Centre
Regulations on the Centre for Educational and Cultural Development
Regulations on the University Campus
Regulations on the Conference of the Faculty of Medicine’s Labour Team

• Information security promotion policy