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Current Issues of Academic Integrity in Education

The Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety hosted a round table discussion of the problematic field of academic integrity. The event was moderated by the Head of the Department, Professor Stepan Vadzyuk and Associate Professor of the Department Tetyana Tolokova and was attended by the third-year students of the Faculty of Medicine.

The main issues of the discussion included:

  • Academic Integrity (academic decency; academic integrity) through a combination of fundamental values: honesty, trust, respect, justice, responsibility;
  • Academic culture and ethics in higher education;
  • Inseparability of the principles of academic freedom and responsibility;
  • Rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process;
  • Intellectual freedom.

The student community showed interest in solving issues of academic integrity violations and ways to prevent academic dishonesty. Issues related to the tools of compliance with the principles of academic integrity and strategies for preventing its violations were discussed.

At the end of the event the following conclusions were made: universities cannot be considered as “scientific and technical factories”, the most important are their cultural and intellectual tasks; universities should in every way contribute to the establishment of the highest moral values and norms, which are important for the academic, cultural and political development of all participants in the educational process, and also affect the moral face of society as a whole; ethical norms should be promoted not only in words, but should be implemented in practice in all aspects of university life.

The information was provided by Tetyana Tolokova, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety.