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Dentistry experts gave lectures in Ternopil State Medical University

A February 11th series of lectures gave instructors, dentist interns, and 5th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry an opportunity to listen to leading dental industry experts. Organized with the support of Ternopil State Medical University administration, this event had the theme “Fundamental approaches in modern dentistry.” The lecture cycle was initiated by  assistant professor of dentistry of the institute of postgraduate education Vitalii Scherba and “Biodenta” clinic dentist,  a specialist in prosthodontics Roman Kuts, who has also written a textbook Fundamentals of implanted prosthetics.


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The winner of “Prisma-Championship 2008” Vadym Zahorodnyi gave presentation on  the direct restoration of teeth. The lecturer has a large private practice and specializes in extensive restoration of teeth using operating microscope.


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Andrii Sapeliuk talked about basic principles of root canal instrumentation. Dr. Sapeliuk specializes in endodontics and has developed a number of training courses in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry.



Victor Kalenchuk, a practicing dentist specializing in dental implantology and restorative surgery gave a lecture titled “Dental implants in modern dental rehabilitation” read.

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Roman Kuts, a specialist in prosthodontics of the “Biodenta” clinic gave a detailed presentation on implant based removable prosthetics.

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