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First-year TSMU students learned about principles of the Project for Promoting Academic Integrity in Ukraine

On September 13, 2017 first year Students of Ternopil State Medical University got to learn about the mission and main tasks of the Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project (SAIUP). Project coordinator Taras Tymochko and project specialist Yana Chapailo talked with the young people about becoming successful, competitive professionals and real patriots of Ukraine. TSMU is an active participant of this project, together with 10 other Ukrainian universities. Of this group, Ternopil State Medical University is the only medical school.

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In the beginning of the meeting Academic Integrity – Step by Step to the New Academic Culture, the organizers discussed with students their motivation to become a doctor, choose TSMU, as well as their vision of further personal and professional development. Then they presented SAIUP and its activities, discussed the norms and principles of academic integrity that the young people should follow while studying at the university and the role of integrity in their everyday lives.


According to Taras Tymochko, every famous university in the world has gained its reputation by ensuring that all its employees and students adhere to shared corporate ethics and culture. In turn, each alumnus now can proudly state that they graduated from this or that university and, through their professional activities, further enhance the image of Alma Mater. Popular and well-known universities then attract the best students, choosing the most intelligent and creative among the large pool of applicants.


During the meeting, project representatives also emphasized that adherence to the principles of academic integrity gives each student the opportunity to develop as a personality. As a consequence, the young professional becomes recognized and respected among her fellow students, both inside and outside the university, and across a wide range of professional and scientific circles. Thus, a person like this contributes to the development of their country, building on her skills, developing the economy and strengthening the image of the state. In opinion of the meeting organizers this is a real patriotism. “In general, integrity is an asset not only in academic setting, but also in life in general. It is necessary to develop rules and mechanisms to prevent dishonesty and stick to them. Subsequently, there should be punishments for failure to uphold the rules. Such rules are a code of ethics operate in many universities. With clearly stated and enforced rules, all participants in the learning process take responsibility for their compliance. Accordingly, a procedure for observance of the Code of Ethics should be developed and a commission set up to make objective decisions on the punishment, taking into account all the circumstances, “added Taras Tymochko.