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International students of Ternopil State Medical University visited summer camp for children of ATO servicemen

TSMU international students do not stop their volunteer service during the summer months. Even though it is exam period now, our young people found time to give moments of joy  to Ternopil children. Recently the psychological rehabilitation center Step Forward, which provides professional assistance to people from the area of ATO, started a summer camp for children of the servicemen defending Ukraine’s eastern borders.

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Yesterday, on June 8, TSMU international students visited the kids at the camp. They taught children English songs, and played with them active games. Many kids now can clearly name the parts of human body, and know how to greet someone in English.

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In addition, representatives of  Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa talked about their homes and their country customs. Everyone left with lots of positive emotions, children and our students alike. Sincere smiles and warm hugs from the kids were the best gift for the future doctors.

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We wish the organizers of the camp success in their work!