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Interns Gave Lectures to Pupils on the Dangers of Smoking E-Cigarettes

On November 17, the interns of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University delivered educational lessons for pupils of 7-8 grades of the Secondary School No. 6 in Ternopil. The topic was one of the most urgent issues of today – smoking electronic cigarettes.

Every year on the third Thursday of November, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Smoking Cessation, or #NoSmokingDay. Its main goal is to help reduce tobacco dependence and to inform the public about the negative and harmful effects of tobacco on health.

During the lessons, young doctors used didactic materials and interactives, presented a video on chronic diseases caused by smoking e-cigarettes.

There was also a test assessment of students regarding their understanding the issue of the lesson, as a test of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired. According to the survey, about 50% of children, before the lesson, believed that smoking could cause lung cancer, and 60% of children believed that smoking led to psychological dependence.

After the lecture, according to the survey, more than 90% of children believe that e-cigarettes are not safer than tobacco-containing products, and 80% of children believe that smoke is dangerous because of the high content of toxins.

In order to prevent psychological dependence on nicotine-containing products, we urge you to take responsibility for your health.