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Internship Enrollment. Important Infromation on 2023 Admissions?

The organization of the distribution and enrollment of graduates of medical specialties in internships in 2023 is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health dated 22.06.2021 No. 1254 “On the approval of the Regulation on internships” (with changes approved by the order of the Ministry of Health dated 10.04.2023 No. 673).

In 2023, the distribution and enrollment to the internship is carried out for graduates of the budgetary form of education according to the following algorithm.

Contract graduates receive a certificate about the form of study and independently choose the place of internship.

The health care departments of local military administrations provide the Ministry of Health with lists of vacant positions for intern doctors at training facilities. Consequently, the Ministry of Health brings to higher medical education institutions a fixed amount of state-ordered places for internship training in specialties separately for each region.

Higher education institutions form a rating of graduates based on their academic performance and taking into account family and health status. After that, the university creates commissions for the distribution of graduates, which include: the rector, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, representatives of student self-government and professional associations, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Department of Healthcare of Ukraine.

Commissions provide offers to graduates regarding the specialty and place of internship no later than 2 weeks before graduation.

A graduate who agreed with the commission’s proposal receives a referral from the university for an internship. A graduate who refused the offer and informed the university in writing about it receives a certificate of self-selection of the place of internship.

Next, the graduate who received the referral submits documents for enrollment as an intern physician to the Department of Healthcare of Ukraine, in whose area of management the internship base is located (communal health care institution).

A graduate who has received a certificate of self-selection of an internship place independently chooses an internship facility (state or private health care facility), applies to the head of this health care facility and, in case of confirmation of a vacant position or a place for an internship, submits documents for enrollment in an internship.

To enroll in the educational part of internship training, a graduate submits an application and other documents to the university no later than July 20.

At the internship facility, where the practical part of the training takes place, the intern appears no later than August 1, at the university – no later than September 1.

Enrollment of a budget intern for an internship is carried out no later than August 1 by order:

Department of Healthcare of Ukraine – in the case of passing the practical part of internship training at internship facilities of a communal form of ownership;

University – in case of passing the practical part of internship training by intern doctors who study at the expense of individuals (legal entities);

The head of the internship facility – in case of placement of a graduate as an intern doctor in a state-owned health care facility.

Internship training is funded:

– with the funds of the state budget;

– with funds of an individual on the basis of contracts on the provision of paid services with higher education institutions and the internship facility.

Internship training of graduates who obtained their higher education with state budget funds, but undergo an internship in a private university, is funded by individuals.

The number of places for the training of intern doctors is determined by the Ministry of Health, taking into account:

– personnel needs formed on the basis of applications from the Department of Healthcare of Ukraine;

– the amount of budget allocations provided for the corresponding year.

For communal health care facilities, which are training facilities for intern doctors or want to become one, a mandatory condition is the conclusion of an agreement with the National Health Service under the package “Ensuring the personnel potential of the health care system by organizing the provision of medical care with the involvement of intern doctors.” The tariff under this package is defined as the product of the minimum wage and the coefficient of 1.22.

Every month, Departments of Healthcare of Ukraine must submit to the National Health Service a list of intern doctors, whose internship training is funded by the state budget, for each medical service provider.

The Internship Regulation defines the requirements for internship facilities that must be met by health care facilities which are applicants to obtain this status. Lists of internship facilities are published on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

More details can be found here: