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Joint Lectures and Panel Discussions on the Global Health Course were Held for Students and Postgraduate Students of TNMU and Aachen University

Thanks to the joint efforts of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Education and the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the Department of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine of the University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) (https: //www.rwth-, on January 26, 2022, an online lecture and panel discussion on “Global Health and Climate Change – the Importance of Health Personnel” in Global Health course was held for students and postgraduate students of these universities.

During this joint event of both medical institutions of higher education of Ukraine and Germany, Professor Hanna Saturska, the Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Management, gave a lecture on “Global Health and Climate Change – the Importance of Health Personnel” (Global and Ukrainian perspectives). Then the students asked questions and joined the discussion on this topic.

Dr. Martin Herrmann, a representative of the University of Aachen, the founder and spokesman of the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health, gave a lecture focusing on Germany as an expert in this field.

These interactive lectures triggered lively discussions and debates, especially on public affairs and initiatives aimed at improving the health of the population in the context of climate change, the impact on the psychological component of health and applying an interdisciplinary approach to solving these problems in the European space.

Medical students and postgraduate students of TNMU as well as medical students of the University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany, took part in identifying the important role of health professionals in overcoming climate change, preparing public health centres and the medical industry in general to adapt them in the context of climate changes and pronounced effects of climate and environmental disasters on public health in different regions.

This event will help improve the quality of training of masters and postgraduate students majoring in Medicine, masters of Public Health in Ukraine and Germany, continue international cooperation between TNMU and the universities of other countries.

We are grateful to our international partners from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, especially Natalia Sirii, the initiator and organizer of this event, an employee of the Department of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and hope for further cooperation between the Department of Public Health and Health Management of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the Department of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany.