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Members of TSMU choir gave charity help to Ternopil hospice

During the Christmas holidays, Ternopil State Medical University choir kept busy schedule performing carols in various venues. Its members collected a considerable amount of donations, more than 20 thousand hryvnas. All of the money the choristers decided to direct to charity.


Together, professors and students of Ternopil State Medical University decided to help medical facilities in most need. Thus, on February 22 the choristers brought to Ternopil hospice 3 bedside toilets and 10 sets of bed linens.

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“This is only a small part of our help. We are going to purchase a refrigerator to pediatric hematology department of the city hospital. Once it is arrives, we will give to the hospital immediately. Also, we have already purchased nebulizers and other chemistry equipment for the hematology department, “- said director of TSMU institute of nursing Svitlana Yastremska.

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Head of the Ternopil hospice said that of TSMU faculty and students attention to this facility is very important, because combined efforts make carrying out its much-needed social mission easier.


Ternopil State Medical University Choir visited the hospice during winter holidays, when they sang carols to its employees and patients.