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Puckie Hospice invites 4-6th year medical students and this year’s graduates to the Ethical Aeropagus

Ethical Aeropagus is an innovative training in medical ethics and communication, which aims to teach students to communicate “complicated” information to patients and their relatives (adverse disease development, approaching death, etc.).
The training includes lectures by international medical experts and work shops with actors and psychologists, during which scenes from real stories of Hospice patients are played out.
An important component of the Ethical Aeropagus is windsurfing sports, which aim to show the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life.
We invite everyone for whom Polish language classes will not be an obstacle and those who will have the opportunity to come to Puck on August 21-28, 2022.
Participation fee: PLN 950.
The price includes: training, accommodation, meals and a windsurfing course.
Recruitment takes place after filling out the application form:
Deadline of completion – May 22, 2022.
More information can be found here: