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Research Papers Competition for Ivan Horbachevsky Prize

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University announces a competition of research papers for the Ivan Horbachevsky Prize.
The prize is awarded to TNMU scientists for the development of scientific potential of the University, raising its rating and promotion in Ukraine and abroad.

Works can be submitted in the following areas:

1) research accomplishments in the field of theoretical medicine and pharmacy;

2) research accomplishments in the field of clinical medicine and dentistry;

3) research accomplishments in the field of social sciences and humanities.

The competition is open to one participant or a group of people (up to five).

The main parameters for the award are:

1. The results of completed research.

2. Cycles of scientific papers published in professional journals of Ukraine and abroad, which are cited in the databases Scopus and Web of Science.

3. Prizes at all-Ukrainian and international scientific forums.

4. Obtaining and commercializing patents for inventions.

5. Presentation of their scientific developments abroad.


Participants submit the following documents to the University research department:

– the decision of the department (laboratory), drawn up by the protocol on the nomination of the applicant (applicants) for the award;

– substantiated presentation, including the title, scientific characteristics of the paper and a brief summary (not more than 3 pages);

– manuscript of the research paper or published research paper (series of papers);

– information about the author(s) of the paper (surname, name, patronymic, full date of birth, place of work and position, telephone number and e-mail address for communication).

Competitive selection is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for awarding the Ivan Horbachevsky Prize at Ternopil National Medical University which is available at the following link: -premiyi-imeni-Ivana-Gorbachevskogo-u-TNMU-imeni-I.YA.Gorbachevskogo-MOZ-Ukrayiny.pdf

The deadline for submission of materials for participation in the competition is May 10, 2022.