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Research seminar Issues of Prevention and Treatment of Infectious and Somatic Diseases in Children took place in Ternopil State Medical University

Research seminar Issues of Prevention and Treatment of Infectious and Somatic Diseases in Children took place on  29 Septemberwithin the framework of European Immunization Week. The goal of Week was to improve organization of Immunization and Infectious Diseases Prevention under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Department of Public Health of Ternopil Regional State Administration, and the Department of Pediatrics of TSMU.


Head of the Health Department of Ternopil Regional State Administration Volodymyr Bohaychuk opened the seminarRepresentatives of the publications “Contemporary Pediatrics” and the “Medexpert” group Professors Berezhnyi and Banadyha awarded gifts and letters of gratitude to district pediatricians Yaroslava Hrabar (Zbarazh District Hospital) and Hrigorii Reveh (Zboriv District Hospital) for their many years of work and high professionalism.

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Conference participants had an opportunity to learn of the latest advances in pediatrics, having heard the presentations of Professors Berezhnyi VV, Chernyshova LI, Mozgova GP, Kramariova SO, and Mamenko ME

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The seminar was attended by over 250 physicians, including pediatricians, general practitioners and family medicine doctors, otolaryngologists, specialists in children’s infectious diseases, and medical interns in the specialty “Pediatrics.”
