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The Associate Professor of TSMU Participated at the European Symposium on Sexual Medicine

The Associate Professor of the L.Ya. Kovalchuk Department of Surgery № 1 and Urology of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Andrii Mysak participated at the European Symposium of European Society for Sexual Medicine). It was held on November 6-7 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Three delegates represented Ukraine. It was the only country of the post-Soviet states.


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Symposium was opened by the President of ESSM David Ralph, UK.

The leading European professors and experts in this field Cario Bettocchi, Emmnuele Jannini, Giovanni Corona (Italy), Dimitris Hatzichristou, Evie Kirana (Greece), David Ralph, Ian Eardiey (England), Harmut Post (Germany), Yacov Reisman (the Netherlands) and many others participated at European Society for Sexual Medicine (Practicing Sexual Medicine State of the Art 2015).

The program of the Symposium included many topical issues of sexual medicine.


Two Ukrainian delegates (Associate Professor Molchanov R., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Dnipropetrovsk, and Associate Professor A. Mysak, PhD) have become the members of the European Society for Sexual Medicine during this symposium.

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Information was provided by Associate Professor Andrii Mysak