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The Head of TNMU Centre for Teachers’ Professional Skills Development Experience on Resilience Building during War at the International Week in the Czech Republic

Sofia Husak, Head of TNMU Centre for Teachers’ Professional Skills Development, took part in a professional internship as part of the project “Strengthening the sustainability of universities. Czech-Ukrainian cooperation in digital education, research cooperation, management”, which took place on the basis of Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic) from April 8 to April 12, 2024. Participation in the project became possible thanks to the initiative, active cooperation and membership in a public organization ” Professional Network of Research and HE Managers in Ukraine” (PNRM)

For several years in a row, Mendel University has been organizing the International Week ( with the aim of establishing interaction, collaboration and communication between representatives of different universities and creating a space of opportunities for a network of like-minded people and specialists.

The main goal of the TAK “Strengthening the Resilience of Universities: Cheh-Ukrainian Partnership for Digital Education, Research Cooperation and Diversity” project is to promote the development of higher education in Ukraine by deepening the leadership characteristics of students, supporting talented teachers in Ukrainian universities, and implementing effective university management practices. Strengthening the sustainability of universities is a key task for educators today.

Czech-Ukrainian cooperation opens up new opportunities for educators in digital education, management, quality assurance of education, and research activities.

The delegation from Ukraine was represented by educators from 8 universities: KNU, Chernihiv Polytechnic University, M. Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuh National University, Alfred Nobel University, Educational and Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education “Kamianets-Podilskyi State Institute”, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University, Lutsk National Technical University and I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.

Delegates from the universities during the International Week at Mendel University had the opportunity to present their institutions of higher education to the world community from the point of view of resilience. The given examples and experience of Ukrainian universities demonstrated stability and flexibility in the conditions of war.

Participation in the internship provided a unique opportunity to establish contacts and gain new opportunities for cooperation and interaction at various levels between universities of Ukraine and the Czech Republic in the direction of internationalization.

The information and photographs were provided by Sofia Husak.