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The Rector of a Polish University Jozef Bergier Visited Ternopil State Medical University

On September 8-9 in the Rector of the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska (Poland) Professor Jozef Bergier visited Ternopil State Medical University. He was invited by the university administration. At first the honorary guest met with the head of Ternopil State Medical University Professor Mykhailo Korda to discuss further collaboration and identify areas of scientific cooperation.


“We are pleased to welcome you to our university. During the next two days we are going have a very busy schedule. Many scientists of our university want to participate in Ukraine and Polish joint projects. One of them will be researches in epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical and preventive borreliosis.” Mykhailo Korda emphasized.


 Professor Jozef Bergier noticed that researches in these areas are very important and Polish university actively cooperates with Ternopil State Medical University. Mr. Joseph also said that next week he will have bottom-line information about research projects of the European Union and wants Ternopil State Medical University to be a partner in these projects.

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On the same day a meeting of the Rector of the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska (Poland) and the scientists of TSMU engaged in various joint research projects took place.

Jozef Bergier offered the researchers of TSMU to use the possibilities of modern laboratory of the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education any time.


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On September 9 the teachers and students of Ternopil State Medical University visited a lecture by Jozef Bergier on “Physical Activity and Nutrition of Youth in Different Countries.”


After the lecture, the rector of the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education taught a master class on how to properly collect data for research in Dependence of Physical Activity on the Food Type

Press Service of Ternopil State Medical University