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TNMU Associate Professor completed an internship course in Poland

As part of the collaboration between I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the University of Rzeszów (Poland), Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics №2 of the International Students’ Faculty Victoria Furdela completed a three-month internship in September-December 2019 at the Clinical facility of the Medical College (Kliniczny Szpital Wojewódzki Nr.2 im. Sw. Jadwigi Królowej) in Rzeszow, the regional center of Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Poland).

St. Queen Jadwiga Clinical Voivodeship Hospital № 2 in Rzeszow.

It is one of the largest and most modern treatment and diagnostic centres in the southeastern region of Poland, which has been operating since 1989 and has 856 beds. High-quality specialists provide care to adults and children from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, as evidenced by a number of international quality certificates.

Associate Professor Victoria Furdela worked most of the time in the Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Diabetology №2 at the Hospital.

Entrance to the Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Diabetology №2  

It is the only in-patient endocrinological and rheumatological department where children from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship are treated. The wards are equipped with 21 inpatient beds and 6 out-patient hospital beds. The department employs 16 nurses and 9 resident physicians to assist patients with diabetes, a full range of endocrinological diseases, including hypopituitarism, dwarfism of different origin, disorders of the adrenal glands, disorders of sexual maturation, obesity and rheumatological disorders.

The department has been operating since 2017 in a new premises and is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment.


General unit of the Department and the wards.

Consultant of the Department Dr n. med. Mariusz Ostański performs echocardioscopy in the dynamics of a patient with endocarditis in the ward.

For example, patients with diabetic ketoacidosis receive a multi-day infusion of insulin therapy with an infusion pump that allows them to simulate insulin delivery depending on real blood sugar level, as well as reduce the level of stress from injections and easily move along the department.


Patients during infusion therapy through infusion pump.

The School of Diabetes for patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus and patients with decompensated diabetes and their parents is constantly working in the department.


School of Diabetes premises.

Training is provided by the doctors, nurses-instructors, and nutritionists according to an approved training program.

The senior nurse in the department teaches parents to recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and provide first aid to the baby.

There is a detailed training for children and their caregivers to use insulin pumps.


The nurse-instructor of the Schoool of Diabetes helps a child or their parents to adjust the insulin pump.

At the practice sessions with insulin pumps.

Victoria Furdela with the staff of the Department: resident doctor Katarzyna Jakubek Kipa, head of the Department Lucyna Lisowicz, head nurse of the Department Marta and the teacher of the School of Diabetes Bozena.

During her internship, Victoria Furdela was successfully trained in installing and using insulin pumps in daily practice.


Analysis of the pump menu and adjusting its operation to patients.

A separate subdivision of nurses has been set up, who, under the guidance of resident doctors, assist patients with growth hormone disorders from entire Podkarpackie Voivodeship. They examine and train patients and their caregivers on the techniques of daily hormone injections and dynamically monitor the efficacy of therapy.

The department also conducts in-depth examination (in particular genetic) of obese patients. They receive treatment and detailed nutrition advice from a nutritionist.

Training with a nutritionist.

The hospital has a rehabilitation department, where patients with various diseases of psychoneurological, orthopedic and endocrinological nature are treated. A separate unit of educators work with inpatients on their pre-school and school education programs.

In the polyclinics department of the hospital, outpatients are simultaneously admitted in five offices by narrow specialists of endocrinological, diabetic and metabolic profile, according to the preliminary electronic register of patients.

At the diabetologist.

During the internship, Associate Professor Victoria Furdela learned about the peculiarities of organizing the work of these offices and participated in outpatient procedures.

At pediatric endocrinologist.

The hospital is actively using the in-hospital virtual environment that each doctor can access via their personal password. All information about each patient at the hospital and outpatient clinic is stored on the patient’s electronic file, where the laboratory staff make all the analysis, and the doctors collect clinical examination data, formulate a diagnosis, appoint a plan of examination and make recommendations. It also provides for the possibility of forming a hospital inpatient epicrisis and an electronic prescription for publicly available medicines or personal care products for govrenment’s expenses (test strips for glucometers, insulins, insulin pumps and consumables, devices for daily glycemic monitoring).

Hospital Virtual Environment Page.

During the internship in Rzeszow, TNMU Associate Professor V. Furdela participated in the 29th Congress of the European Group for the Study of Childhood Obesity with the participation of leading European experts and Joao Breda, a WHO expert in the European region on prevention and control of non-communicable pathology. He informed the participants about the results of a large-scale epidemiological study of obesity in children with the participation of 53 European countries, and presented a program of further plans and actions on the inhibition and response to the epidemic of childhood obesity and its effects in the world.

Dr Joao Breda is reporting at the Congress.

Associate Professor V. Furdela presented the results of the research work of the Department of Pediatrics №2 on the topic “Gender might be one of the Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factor in Obese Children”.

During her internship, Victoria Furdela has successfully refined her professional skills by deepening and expanding her knowledge and skills in diagnosing and treating endocrinological patients, gaining experience in performing additional tasks and responsibilities within the specialty, which has enhanced her professional qualifications.

Associate Professor Furdela was also able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of conducting practical classes for the 3rd-5th year students of the Medical College of Pediatrics and Pediatric Endocrinology in the clinic, worked on the plan of training sessions and meetings of the department teachers. As part of the internship program, Associate Professor Victoria Furdela got acquainted with the specifics of conducting practical classes for 4th-5th year students.

This internship will facilitate joint research with Polish colleagues, writing and publishing scientific papers. The obtained scientific information will be used during practical classes and lectures for students of the International Students’ Faculty. The experience gained will be implemented in the work of the School of Diabetes, which was created with the assistance of the TNMU administration at the Ternopil Regional Children’s Hospital.

Associate Professor V. Furdela expresses appreciation to the organizers of the internship from the University of Rzeszow, Vice-Rector of the Medical College and the scientific supervisor of the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic, Professor Arthur Mazur, for their invitation and assistance. Many thanks to the administration of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University for the opportunity to complete the internship.