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TNMU hosted Scopus database training workshop

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 279 on February 27, 2019 “On granting higher education institutions and scientific institutions in the sphere of management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine access to scientific electronic databases”, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University has obtained the full access to Scopus databases

On November 22, 2019, Elsevier representative Serhii Nazarovets held a workshopn for TNMU researchers and scientists in order to familiarize them with all the possibilities of this database.

Scopus is a bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific journals. It is one of the components of SciVerse’s integrated scientific and information environment. The Scopus database (ASJK) has 27 basic thematic sections, divided into 335 subsections, polythematic articles are indexed in several sections at once. Scopus indexes 18,000 titles of 5,000 publishers of scientific, technical, medical, and humanities sciences. The database indexes scientific journals, conference materials, and serials. The Scopus search is integrated with Scirus search system for web pages and patent database.

At the workshop, Serhii Nazarovets elaborated on what Scopus is, its documents search tools, how to create notifications and collections of journals, author and institution profile, search for a journal for publication, preparation of the manuscript for submission, journal metrics: CiteScore, SJR, SWIP, quartiles and percentiles, news Scopus. 

At the end of the meeting, Serhii Nazarovets also answered all the questions of the attendees and gave valuable recommendations.


TNMU Press Secretary Yanina Chaikivska.

Photographs by the author.