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TNMU Partner from the Polish Training and Rehabilitation Centre Supports Ukraine

Dr. Renata Błecha, the Director of the Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom w Żywcu, Poland, organized humanitarian aid for the military and temporarily displaced citizens of Ukraine once again. Everyone in Zywiec came together to help.


For the temporarily displaced persons and the military, Polish sponsors donated 36 kg of hygiene products, 80 kg of blankets and bedspreads, 18 kg of medicines, 54 kg of medical supplies, 55 kg of childcare supplies, 30 kg of baby nutrition.


Ternopil National Medical University has been Cooperating with the Children’s Aid Foundation in Zywiec (Poland) since 2017. Five years ago, the Rector of TNMU, Professor Mykhailo Korda, and the Director of the Renat Blech Centre signed an agreement. As part of this cooperation, the students of TNMU underwent internships at the Zhyvets Training and Rehabilitation Centre, the teachers of our university visited it as well and were shared with some valuable practical experience, the specialists of the centre delivered lectures and practical classes for students majoring in “Physical Therapy. Occupational Therapy”.

Yanina Chaikivska, TNMU Press Secretary