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TNMU Received Humanitarian Consignment from Rotary Club Wolsztyn

On March 9, 2023, the Volunteer Centre of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University received a humanitarian consignment from Rotary Klub Wolsztyn (Republic of Poland) and from Rotary 5650 District Governor (USA). This time, 150 kg of medical supplies were handed over, including individual NATO-standard military first-aid kits, certified tourniquets, and sets of tools for external fixation.

It is not the first time that the Volunteer Centre of TNMU receives humanitarian aid from Rotary Club Wolsztyn and Rotary 5650 District Governor for the Ukrainian military.

We express our heartfelt appreciation to President Lech Lisiewicz, Vice-President Janusz Lisiecki (Rotary Klub Wolsztyn) and Barbara Bartle (Rotary 5650 District Governor) for their constant support.

TNMU Press Secretary, Yanina Chaikivska.

Photographs by Mykola Vasylechko.