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TNMU Rector met with the newly elected Student Parliament


On November 17, 2019, TNMU Rector, Professor Mykhaylo Korda met with the newly elected Student Parliament at the conference hall of Ternopil National Medical University.

A number of issues were discussed during the meeting. Representatives of the Student Parliament were interested in the possibility of establishing an ultrasound simulator for mastering practical skills, reducing the number test questions for the 3rd year foreign students, organizing a chess club, creating one more gym for students, arranging a rest room in Hostel №2.
They also discussed the installation of surveillance cameras in Hostel №1, the allocation of additional hours for football and basketball, establishing a tennis club at the University, the creation of a separate wardrobe in the Emergency Hospital, the installation of air conditioning in Hostel №1.

TNMU Rector supported most of the suggestions of the Student Parliament.

Professor Mykhaylo Korda wished the representatives of the Student Parliament to be active, ambitious and implement new interesting projects.

TNMU Press Secretary Yanina Chaikivska.
Photographs by Mykola Vasylechko.