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TNMU scientist received a grant for participation in the training course”Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021″

Oksana Shevchuk, Head of TNMU Research Office, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, will participate in the training course “Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021”. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) selected the program participants very carefully. According to the results of the competition, only 18 people from all higher education institutions of Ukraine were honoured to participate in the training course.

These trainings will be a part of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) program “Support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education institutions – continuing education programmes for administrators at Ukrainian higher education institutions in education and academic management (2019–2021)”. Oksana Shevchuk became one of the winners of the competition for participation in this training course. In general, the program is aimed at strengthening and expanding German-Ukrainian academic cooperation.

The main purpose of the 18-month training course is to qualify the staff of Ukrainian universities. The program is designed to provide participants with an in-depth knowledge of the various aspects of internationalization and to enable them to manage their respective processes and tasks and to promote the internationalization of their universities. Participants will learn about the concepts and strategies of internationalization of higher education in different countries. They learn how to handle all aspects of academic mobility and research collaboration, as well as how to develop and implement an appropriate internationalization strategy. The program gives you an overview of the tools available for financing international cooperation with visits to the Volkswagen Foundation, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, HRK, DAAD, DFG, as well as short internships at selected institutions.

Acquired international administrative capacity and relevant professional skills will enable participants to use the networks and to implement cooperative cross-border projects of mutual interest. This will facilitate the establishment of sustainable institutional contacts and networks.

The course includes 5 training modules:

  1. Module: Background Knowledge of Internationalisation.
  2. Module: Competencies on Management of Internationalisation.
  3. Module: Soft Skills.
  4. Module: Management Skills.
  5. Module: Internationalisation Project.

The training course will be methodologically focused on practical aspects of internationalization. Participants will be introduced to examples of good practice in different regions and then apply the knowledge gained in their daily work at their universities. Each participant will develop and work on an internationalization project at his or her own university.

Project partners: T. Shevchenko National University, German-Ukrainian Academic Society e.V. (Chairman – Professor Olha Harashchuk), Netzwerk Wissenschaftsmanagement! e.V. / Science Management Network with funding from DAAD.

TNMU Press Secretary Yanina Chaikivska.