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TNMU Started Implementation of the “Lifestrand” Project within the EU Erasmus+ KA2 “Capacity Building in Higher Education” Program

The first meeting of the working group of the “Lifestrand” project withing the EU Erasmus+ KA2 Program “Capacity Building in Higher Education”, which will be implemented by Ternopil National Medical University for three years (01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026), took place on December 19, 2023. The managers and partners of the project discussed the ways of implementing the tasks, the distribution of responsibilities between the partners and employees of each university. During the meeting, attention was paid to the preparation of documents for the registration of the international technical assistance project and the development of the logo.

The main goal of the project is to train the civilian population in first aid in areas with increased risk to life, so that people can provide first aid to themselves, their family, friends, and neighbours if necessary.

During the implementation of the project, a number of tasks will be performed, in particular:

  • training to improve the knowledge and capabilities of 27 teachers in 7 higher education institutions of Ukraine and Georgia regarding the development and implementation of new educational materials (first aid manuals for staff, students and community representatives) through the exchange of experience, management cooperation and technical assistance from partner institutions working in Spain and Portugal;
  • improving the level of knowledge in the field of training and providing first aid, including the basic elements of life support and pre-medical care for injuries, 242 employees and 7 students of higher educational institutions in Ukraine and Georgia;
  • mastering and improving vital first aid skills among 7,200 community members living in military risk zones of Ukraine and Georgia as the ultimate beneficiaries of Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE);
  • provision of necessary training equipment for the first aid (including simulators) for 3 partner medical universities in Ukraine.

Activities within the project include:

  • creation of a community-oriented board of trainers in BLS (basic life support) and pre-hospital trauma care from representatives of 9 partner universities;
  • development of community-oriented BLS and pre-hospital trauma care modules for 6 universities in Georgia and Ukraine with the support of partner universities in Spain and the UK;
  • training of 3 teachers of BLS and community-oriented pre-hospital trauma care in each of 6 universities of Ukraine and Georgia;
  • purchase of educational equipment (mannequins and other educational materials) for 3 universities in Ukraine;
  • training of 36 medical students in community-oriented BLS and pre-hospital trauma care in each of 6 universities of Ukraine and Georgia;
  • inclusion of community-oriented BLS and pre-hospital trauma care modules as part of the medical curriculum in 6 universities in Georgia and Ukraine and partner universities in Spain and the UK;
  • 5-day capacity-building sessions for communities living in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine and Georgia or in neighbouring regions involving 36 student-trainers and 18 master-trainers as leaders;
  • training of 21,600 people living in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine and Georgia, or in neighbouring regions, in basic life support (BLS) and pre-hospital care for injuries;
  • purchase of basic medical equipment for the training of 21,600 people living in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine and Georgia, or in neighbouring regions, in basic life support and pre-hospital care for injuries.

In addition to TNMU, the consortium included nine more partners from Georgia, Spain, Portugal and Ukraine:

  • University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain);
  • Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians SEMERGEN (Spain);
  • Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy (Georgia);
  • Tbilisi State Medical University (Georgia);
  • Alte University (Georgia);
  • Grigol Robakidze University (Georgia);
  • University of Porto (Portugal);
  • Luhansk State Medical University;
  • Poltava State Medical University.

TNMU Press Secretary, Yanina Chaikivska.