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TNMU students checked the public awareness of coronavirus in Ternopil

“Coronavirus. Is there a threat in Ukraine? ” this was the title of the survey, conducted by I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University students. They were prompted by the current situation in the world and the rapid spread of the disease.


In general, future physicians interviewed four population groups in Ternopil: young people without medical education, TNMU students, middle-aged people and senior citizens. The purpose of the survey was to evaluate 2 aspects, namely people’s awareness and feelings of threat and panic. Students completed a questionnaire and evaluated the results of 60 respondents.

Among TNMU students, all respondents knew about the coronavirus and they took the data from reliable information sources. Instead, young people without medical education were not aware of the issue, but had fears of the infection. Middle-aged and older people received information from news on television and radio, as well as conversations with others. Older people do not feel panic, but this parameter is slightly higher for middle-aged group. It should be noted that the above groups know the basic things about coronavirus, but many of their claims are false and erroneous. After the survey, students talked with people dispelled myths about the disease, and suggested preventive conversations.


The results of the project show that not all people are aware of the coronavirus, but there is a part of the population that provokes panic among others and feels a direct threat of infection.

All participants in the experiment were given brochures with all the information they needed to be aware of, to be healthy, and to avoid panic.

The organizers of the survey were TNMU students Anastasia Boiko and Yulia Valihura.