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TNMU Students Visited Little Patients within “Box of Courage” Project

On March 2, 2023, students of Ternopil National Medical University Ilona Novakivska, Nazar Krulyk and Alina Diadenchuk visited children in the Ternopil City Children Communal Hospital as part of the “Box of Courage” project. With the funds collected from various charity events, toys and delicious treats were purchased for small patients.

This project has been implemented at TNMU for six years. Students and teachers take care of children from the haematology department who bravely fight against a serious illness.

The staff of the haematology department, children and their parents express their appreciation to everyone who supports this project and never gets tired of helping those who need attention, love and positive emotions. The project coordinator is Olena Pokryshko.

TNMU Press Secretary, Yanina Chaikivska.