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Anti-Corruption Hotline

Hotline: 104 (the phone is placed in a separate booth in the lobby of the TNMU administrative building, 1 Maidan Voli, Ternopil)

Mykhaylo Korda 



Corruption and fraud in higher education is a global issue that ranges from political capture of universities to favouritism in admissions, diversion of funds, academic dishonesty and sextortion. Higher education regulatory frameworks should promote accountability and anti-corruption measures as part of accreditation and assessment standards. Corruption in higher education takes various forms. Political manipulation of university affairs is common, as governments and ruling parties often interfere in the running of institutions. Higher educational institutions can be captured by political patronage networks for political or financial gain. Unearned credentials may be granted to politicians, their kin, and cronies. Other types of corruption include favouritism and nepotism in student admissions and staff appointments, corruption in licensing and accreditation, diversion of university or research funds, and procurement fraud. Academic dishonesty: plagiarism, essay mills, false research, examination fraud, and fake degrees, is rampant in both developed and developing countries. Sexual exploitation, mainly of female students, faculty, and staff by males, is a serious problem in higher education. Sextortion is defined as a form of corruption in which sex is the currency of the bribe.

Anti-Corruption Action Plan for 2025 at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Message about corruption