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Traditional Ukrainian gathering at TNMU

It has already become a tradition at Ternopil National Horbachevsky Medical University to support Ukrainian cultural heritage. Students are the initiators of many activities that are designed to preserve and enhance our customs. On January 30, 2020, the Organizing Committee, consisting of students of Sofia Kopytchak, Valeria Suzdalieva, Volodymyr Lukianenko, and Maria Chumadevska, prepared a fascinating event – traditional Ukrainian gathering (vechornytsi).


In the first part of the event viewers watched the performance “Evenings on a farm near Dykanka or Christmas Eve” based on the play by Mykola Gogol of the same name.



In the other part of the event, participants were expecting competitions, fortune-telling and entertainments. The presenter was Volodymyr Lukianenko.

Students had the opportunity to participate in the following folk games and competitions: “Kalyta”, “Flour Contest” (to find a match), “Boxing Ring” (it was required to open a candy, a banana and a bottle of water wearing boxing gloves without teeth, for speed), “Dance competition” (performance of Ukrainian dance), “Broom”.


TNMU Press Secretary Janina Tchaikovska.

Pictures of Nicholas Vasylechko.