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Training of TNMU Post-Graduate Students in TESIMED

The postgraduate students of the specialty “Nursing”, trained at the interdepartmental educational and training centre (TESIMED) of our university for studying the discipline “Advanced course of nursing in internal medicine”.

As a result of the training, the postgraduate students acquired competencies to assess and ensure the quality of work, as well as deep knowledge and systematic understanding of emergency care at the pre-hospital and hospital stages as well as care for patients in the clinic of internal medicine, ability of effective team work with like-minded people and communicate and interact as a team in the nurse’s practice.

The suggested clinical situations to be solved by the applicants ensured the acquiring the ability to interpret and analyse information, correctly assess new and complex phenomena and problems with scientific accuracy critically and independently by the postgraduate students.

The staff of the Department of Higher Nursing Education, Patient Care and Immunology is grateful to Professor Arsen Hudyma, the scientific director of the centre for medical simulation, Halyna Tsymbaliuk, the Head of the centre for medical simulation and Nargiz Dzhavadova, the leading specialist of the centre for medical simulation, BLS and PBLS instructor of the European Council of Resuscitation, for creating the most adapted clinical situations and team tasks for provision of emergency care at the pre-hospital and hospital stages and care for patients in nurse’s practice.

Information by Professor Ivan Klishch, the Vice-Rector for Research