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TSMU Center of Minimally Invasive Surgical Technologies moved into its new premises

A medical simulation training center has as its main objective achieving patient safety through the use of modern teaching methods and perfected hands-on skills. When practical skills are being acquired through supervised training, modelling, and simulation, this results in developing correct techniques and procedures, helping to minimize professional and operational risks. Ongoing, continuous training is especially  important for reducing the number of mistakes in surgical procedures and interventions.

Anticipating rapid development of the minimally invasive technologies of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeries,  on October 31, 2006 Ternopil State Medical University has introduced a course on minimally-invasive techniques and surgeries. Over the last 11 years this course allowing for professional development in non-invasive surgery has become increasingly popular and to date 947 students from different areas of Ukraine have taken it.

In October 2017, Center of Minimally Invasive Surgical Technologies  moved to its new facilities. Its area have been increased from 49.0 sq. m. to 205.0 sq. m. The University has also acquired and installed new teaching equipment, such as medical manikins, simulators, and monitors. The training room is equipped with a video system. The training room has laparoscopic stands and all required surgical. The new facility also have support amenities and equipment, such as spacious showers, changing room and other maintenance facilities.

Students taking the course have access to:

spacious labs for working on their practical skills using manikins and simulators;

teaching and presentation rooms;

spacious operating room with modern laparoscopic equipment;

changing rooms and showers.