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TSMU International Students Have Discussed the Philanthropic Projects Implementation with the Rector

The international students of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University presented their philanthropic activities in the Ternopil City Council. On December 18, they discussed future prospects and opportunities for cooperation with the rector of TSMU Professor Mykhailo Korda.

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 International students have created a NGO Medicare and Social Welfare Initiative (MEDCASOWI). This NGO cooperates with the Students’ Scientific Society of TSMU. This organization is famous in the city for its volunteering for charity fund Caritas and Petryky Nursing Home.


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Every Friday for two hours 5 or 6 students from Nigeria are on duty in Caritas where they take blood pressure and make blood glucose tests for everyone. At first Ternopil vulnerable population were a bit cautious about this, but now they are enthusiastic about the examination by international students, they chat with them and are grateful for this support.

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During the meeting with the rector of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Professor Mykhailo Korda the representatives of MEDCASOWI expanded on their volunteer work in Ukraine and Nigeria.


“I really appreciate your work, because this the way you represent international students of our university in our city. You are aware compassionate and good-hearted people. I promise you the support and encouragement for further projects. I will always be happy to discuss new events and to assist in their organization,” Mykhailo Korda said.

By the way, the students from Nigeria have already concluded an agreement on cooperation with the Director of Petryky Nursing Home.

Press Service of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University