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TSMU Nigerian students brought presents to the Center of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children

Ternopil State Medical University international students play an active role of university and city community life. Recently representatives of the Nigerian Students’ Association of TSMU came with a visit to the Center of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children, bringing with them gifts and games.


This event was an idea of the recently elected president of association Ahuruonye Sharon Ogechi. “We decided to bring joy and love to those children who need it most, on the day of St. Valentine. We wanted not so much to celebrate but rather to show these children that they are important to us and we want to share the warmth of our hearts with them, “- said Ahuruonye Sharon Ogechi.

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More than 20 volunteer-members of Nigerian Students’ Association have joined forces to collect gifts for the kids: sweets, clothes and personal hygiene items.

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“Important for us was not only to give them something they might need, but also to spend time together. For two hours we played games and painted. I want to say that received lots of positive emotions being able to get involved in the lives of these children. We plan to come to the center again and again, because when being surrounded by children we felt really happy “, – said president of Nigerian Students’ Association.

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