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TSMU Nigerian students took part in the Cultural Day

Each year students from Nigeria organize a large-scale event to celebrate their homeland and traditions. This year for the first time “Nigerian Cultural Day” brought together representatives from all peoples of this country studying in Ternopil universities. The largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are tribes of Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.

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Nigerian Ternopil State Medical University students were enthusiastically involved in organization of the event. As Donald Odion, the president of the Association of Nigerian Students of TSMU, said, his biggest dream was to have a joint celebration. “Previously, every nationality held a separate event, but we are all – one country. We need to continue the tradition of common parties to get to know each other better and feel united “, – said our student.


Dr.  Olena Pokryshko greeted everyone on behalf of the Dean of international students wishing Nigerian youth successful studies, fulfillment of their dreams and God’s blessing.

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During the event, each ethnic group has presented their traditional dance; spoke about their cuisine and other distinct features of each region of Nigeria. In addition, organizers of the event recognized best students for their achievements in studying, research, performance arts etc.

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