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TSMU Rector met with Student Government

Rector of Ternopil State Medical University Professor Mykhaylo Korda on February 21 met with representatives of the Student Council. Students and TSMU administration officials discussed issues of concern for students and the ways to resolve them.



Doctors in training shared their plans for  organizing activities and events. In particular, they are involved in the project “Health Trolley”. The main objective of the project is to promote healthy lifestyle among Ternopil residents and visitors. This project takes place within a framework  of city-wide initiative “Happiness Trolley “, which was launched several years ago by students of Ternopil National Pedagogical University. This initiative was launched In January 2014 by master’s student Oksana Brykaylo and since then received recognition as one of the best social projects. Her idea was supported by TNPU faculty and students as well as the Ternopil department of transportation. Today, several Happiness Trolleys are on routes:  “Seven colors of happiness”, “United Ukraine”, “Happy Holidays”, “Romantic Ternopil”, “Retro trolley” and others. Now, thanks to the efforts of TSMU students of city will also have a “Health Trolley.”



Another ongoing project, introduced by Council representative Olexandr Rybynsk-Kosman, is Ternopil State Medical University mobile application, and those involved in it continue to develop their app design skills. Chairman of the Student Council Roman Stetsiuk Parliament talked about project “Your profession” and plans to continue inviting renowned experts in healthcare to give talks to students. Other scheduled activities are an event dedicated to the history of TSMU, participation in Shukhevych Cup, and Rector Cups in mini-football, basketball, and other sports.



Dr. Korda has suggested that students would benefit from meeting with a well-known surgeon and member of the academy Petro Fomin, who will soon visit the university. Dr. Fimin, in particular, had developed and implemented new methods to esophageal surgeries, repairing damage caused by inflammation and tumors using segments of the small and large intestines.


During this meeting, student Taras Moroz, who had recently studied organization of student governance in McEwan University (Edmonton, Canada), spoke about his visit and shared ideas that could help to enrich student government of TSMU (