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TSMU Rector met with the Student Government

Ternopil State Medical University Students’ Conference took place on 27 September in the Convocations Hall of the administrative building. Prior to its start, Ternopil State Medical University Rector, Professor Mykaylo Korda had an opportunity to meet and have a conversation with the student body.



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Dr. Korda noted that over the past two years student civic involvement has significantly increased. He praised the student initiating and organizing various performance, athletic, and charity events, and being involved in citywide and nationwide projects. The rector urged the students to continue being just as active and creative. In addition, he invited students to join the university choir, theater group, and various athletic teams.


TSMURector also invited the students to spend some time relaxing in academic and recreational camp Chervona Kalyna. If there is demand, the camp will offer physiotherapy sessions and organize food service.

Dr. Korda shared with the students plans to improve university facilities for studying, accommodation and leisure. For instance, soon one of the dormitories on Zhivov Street will open a modern gym in its basement and other athletic areas will be expanded.


Vice-rector for Research and Academic Affairs, Professor Arkadiy Shulhay answered students’ questions about Step state exam.

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After the meeting with TSMU administration, students worked in the issues in the conference agenda, including making amendments and additions to the TSMU Student Parliament Statute, developing guidelines for the Student Parliament elections, and addressing questions submitted to the TSMU Student Council.